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  Next update is here!

   Third person's POV

   The grip on his wrists no were hard to pull away from. He struggled, trying to break himself free from this strong ass grip. Like.. who is this guy? But, his main question was, Why the fuck did he decide to wake him up?!
  "H-hey! Let go of me!" Yuu shouted, hoping that the grip would loosen, but, it just got worse. It felt like the prince was about to snap his wrists off. "Oi! You're hurting me asshole!" Surprisingly, the grip loosened, unfortunately, he pushes him down on the futon.
"You really are hopeless, aren't you?" He whispers into Yuu's ear, feeling his breath brush over his skin. "What are you doing?! Get off of me! I need to go to class!" Yuu shouts at him. "Heh." He chuckles. How could the prince be so calm? Has he done this before or what? What does he want from Yuu?
this made the prince kind of loosen his grip without thinking. And Yuu, being the idiot that he is, pushes him to the floor causing a large thud to be produced.
  "OW! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?!" the prince yells at him as he sits up. "DON'T YOU REMEMBER YOU TRYING TO SEDUCE ME?!" Yuu yells back.
"What the fuck? Why would I do that?!" Did he really not just remember what had happened? "DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME! YOU TOTALLY DID!" The prince sighs deep as the raven haired teen continues ranting.
It made him pissed of course. Hearing him squabble around was annoying, let alone his existence. "COULD YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME EXPLAIN!" The prince screams at him as the raven shuts his mouth. The prince exhaled as he started speaking,
" Sorry about that, it just happens when someone wakes me up." He says, as if it was that normal for a person, which is NOT!
Yuu scoffed. " Whatever, just go to class already!" Yuu fixes his wrinkled shirt and starts for the door.

Yuu sits on his desk with his usual head on arm position.
  "Oh, is cherry boy sulking?~" Shinoa giggled as Yuu glares at her annoying being.
  "ALRIGHT PEOPLE! WE HAVE PE SO GO CHANGE!" Their P.E. teacher says as she clapped her hands. Yuu groaned.'Why P.E.? I hate this subject.' He thought to himself. Of course he had no power to stop or whatsoever, so, he gave in and went to the locker room with Yoichi and the telephone pole.

  "Uh, P.E is so boring. I wish we wouldn't have to do this." Yuu grumbled. "Oh come on, at least it's better than answering those endless pile of homeworks." Yoichi said as he stretched his arm up. But really, at least he didn't have to do any of those homeworks.

  "OKAY! LINE UP PEOPLE!" She shouted as the students lined up in front of her. "So, for those of you who don't know me, I'm chess. I am your P.E. teacher this year and so on."
She pulls out her clip board as she starts checking something. "FOR YOUR FIRST TASK, RUN AROUND THE GYM. 10 TIMES!"
'Ten times?! I couldn't even run half of this gym without being tired.' he whined to himself.

"Prrrt!!" The whistle went off and the students start running.

Yuu's POV
' Huff, Huff. This so not going well, this is just the first lap and now you're tired?!' I blamed myself of course, for not trying to exercise a lot. But, really, this is just impossible.

(9 more laps later)

"Okay, take a break people." We retired to the benches and I started gulping my water down. What? It's ten laps around a big ass gym.

   "Yuu-san, you seem to be really tired." Shinoa said as she drank her bottle as if she didn't just run around this gym.
" What?! I don't exercise! In fact, I hate it." I crossed my arms as the other four members of my squad laughed at me. Then, it stopped. Wait, i feel as if we're in danger. I looked over to my squad. I think they can sense it. "Shi-" she gave a serious expression. " Get ready for a fight." She said as we all gave a nod. The other students don't seem bothered. Do they not feel it? How about the vampires? Aren't they supposed to feel it too?
"Shinoa, don't the vampires have sharp senses? How do they not feel it?" I asked.
"Vampires do have sharp senses, but, if they react, they would scare the other students and they would not react if they know that they can do nothing about it."
She said.
  "PEOPLE! EVACUATE THE GYM RIGHT NOW!" Chess shouted as the other students ran down the steps leaving us in the gym.
"Crash!" The window broke as five unclear figures jumped in.
  "Let's do this!" I shouted as I pulled my sword out. And that's when the fight began.

Readers: what's with the late update!!!!!

Star: (- _ -" )

Arikarin: okay I'm sorry for not updating it on time since I had a lot of stuff to do the past few days. I hope you guys can forgive me .

Readers: Fine.

Okay guys so I have some bad news for you. School is starting tomorrow and I can't update this story anymore so, I guess I might continue on march? Or when our school ends. So here are the reasons why I can't update this story:

Dear readers,
Heyo! This is Star, Arikarin's best friend in our school, and yes I do exist in this amazing world of fanfic ;v; anyway, I'm here to tell you the reasons why might not be online or not be able to finish the chapters of the story.
First: we have school, yes, me and arikarin have school, but, we have a lot of tests and studies that suddenly appear and arikarin doesn't have the time to use her phone.
Second: Stress, she gets a lot of stress from too much drawing, studying or continuing the story at the same time.
So, I guess that's all i have to say to you MikaYuu readers and at least have a heart for Arikarin and give her some time and space to continue this story. Hope you enjoy her fanfic. Bye~

So thank you Star for typing this and I hope that you guys understand the situation.
And also happy(late) new year everyone!

See you guys in a few months!
            Love y'all,
                  Arikarin 5677😉
                      Star 🌟

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