*2 months later*
Erika's point of view
I have been getting sick lately but I haven't said to anyone not even Jake. I had to go to school so I got ready. When I got to school I told my friends I had been getting sick.
Me: Guys so I have been getting sick lately and I don't know what to do?
Alissa: Is it like all the time?
Me: No just in the morning.
Tessa: Have you and Jake been messing around.
Me: Yeah. Were dating so yeah.
Chantel: Maybe your pregnant.
Me: No I can't be.
Tessa: It is a possibility.
Me: My mom will kill me.
Alissa: Here take this pregnancy test.
Chantel: Why do you have those?
Alissa: I thought I was pregnant but i'm not.
Me: Guys come to the bathroom with me.
We went to the bathroom and I took the test.
Me: Guys...
Tessa: Yeah.
Me: It's positive. *starts crying*
Alissa: Let me see.
Chantel: Oh my god.
Me: How am I gonna talk Jake? *still crying*
Tessa: Just tell him.
Me: I'm scared. What if he leaves?
Chantel: I know Jake he won't do that.
We walked out of the bathroom and I was still crying. Jake walked over to me and my friends walked away with the boys. He gave me a hug.
Jake: Baby why are you crying?
Me: I'm scared Jake.
Jake: Of what baby?
Me: What your gonna say.
Jake: What is it?
Me: Promise you won't get mad?
Jake: Promise.
Me: Jake i'm pregnant.
Jake: Your what?
Me: Pregnant.
Jake: Is this a joke?
Me: No.
Jake: How did this happen?
Me: I don't know. We used protection.
Jake: Yeah.
Me: Are you mad?
Jake: No. I just don't know what to say.
Me: How are we gonna tell our parents?
Jake: Your moms gonna be pissed.
Me: I know. *starts crying again*
Jake: Baby it's okay.
Me: No it's not.
Jake: It will all be fine.
Me: I basically have a kid already because of Kyla.
Jake: Yeah but she shouldn't be your responsibility because she's not yours.
Me: Baby i'm scared. I don't know what to do.
Jake: well just wait a little bit to tell your mom.
Me: We are still in high school. I can't have a baby.
Jake: Well we have to.
Me: Ughhhh whyyyyyyy?!
Jake: It's okay baby. We will be okay.
Me: I don't even know how far along I am.
Jake: Do you have a belly?
Me: Kinda. It just looks like i'm getting fat.
Jake: Aw. Is your mom home?
Me: No she comes home tomorrow.
Jake: Do you wanna hang out tonight.
Me: Why would I ever say no to you?
Jake: I love you.
Me: I love you too now we have to go to class.
We went to class and had a normal school day. All I could think about was the baby. Me and Jake drove separate to school so we drove separate to my house. We got there at the same time. We went in my house and went to my room. I changed and put on a big tshirt and underwear. I went and layed in bed with Jake.
Me: Do you want different pants?
Jake: I didn't bring any.
Me: No you left some of your shorts here.
Jake: Yeah.
He got up and changed in to basketball shorts and no shirt. He came and layed back down in bed with me. He put his head in between my neck and shoulder and was kisssing my neck. He lifted his head up and we kissed. He moved down and layed in between my legs. He lifted my shirt up and put his head on my stomach. I was playing with his hair. I took a picture of him and captioned it "my 2 favs😍" I didn't post it but I just sent it to Tessa, Chantel, and Alissa. Jake fell asleep in between my legs and so did I. I woke up from my mom calling me.
Me: Hello.
Mom: Hey we are on our way home now we left early. We will be home in an hour.
Me: Okay.
Mom: Love you.
Me: Love you too bye.
I hung up and then Jake woke up.
Jake: Who was that?
Me: My mom she said they are coming home early and will be here in an hour.
Jake: Ugh I don't wanna leave my babies.
Me: I know baby. She will know soon enough and then we can hang out here when she's here.
Jake: I wish I could just take you away.
Me: I wish I could just leave too.
Jake: Yeah.
Me: I have to pee.
Jake: Go then.
I got up and went pee. When I was done I was looking at my stomach in the mirror. Jake came in the bathroom and put his arms around my stomach. I layed my head back and he kissed me.
We left the bathroom and then walked downstairs. He gave me a hug and then kissed me. I kissed him again and then he bent down and kissed my stomach. All I could do was smile. He came back up and kissed me and then he left. I wish he never had to leave. I went back up to my room and when Jake got home he texted me.
Hey baby girl💚
Hi baby💚
I miss my babies💚
We miss you too💚
I wish your mom knew about us.
Me too.
I can't wait to see you tomorrow.💚
Me too baby💚
Do your friends know?
Yeah. They are the ones that told me to just tell you.
Were you just not gonna day anything?
I would've but not yesterday.
I'm glad you did.
Me too.
Is your mom home yet?
Facetime me.
Okay babe.
I facetimed Jake and he answered right away.
Me: Ew I look gross. I need to take a shower.
Jake: You look fine. You have been sleeping.
Me: You don't look like this when you wake up.
Jake: Yes I do.
Me: No you don't. I've seen you wake up many times.
Jake: Yeah so.
Me: You never look like this.
Jake: But your still cute.
Me: Mmmm
Jake: What?
Me: Are you lying?
Jake: No.
Me: How many girls have you said that too?
Jake: A lot but I actually mean it towards you.
Me: Jake you were low key a hoe.
Jake: Yeah.
Me: You messed around with a lot of girls.
Jake: Yeah.
Me: If you could guess like how many?
Jake: Like 6 girls.
Jake: What? *laughing*
Me: You better still not be messing around with them.
Jake: I'm not.
Me: Good. I'll beat your ass.
Jake: No you won't.
Me: Yes I will.
Jake: If any one is getting their ass beat it's you.
Me: So your gonna abuse me? *laughing*
Jake: Shut up.
Me: My stomach hurts.
Jake: Aw i'm sorry babe.
Me: Ugh why do I have to be pregnant?
As soon as I said that my mom walked into my room. She asked who was on the phone and I told her.
Mom: Who's on the phone?
Me: Jake.
Mom: Who is that?
Me: A kid from school.
Mom: Oh. Kyla missed you.
Me: Tell her to come up here.
Mom: Okay.
Jake was still on the phone but he was quite. He didn't say anything he just watched me. When my mom left to get Kyla we started talking again.
Me: Fuck what if she heard me?
Jake: She didn't say anything.
Me: Because she knows your on the phone.
Jake: Just act normal.
Me: Okay we'll Kyla is coming up here.
Jake: Aww aunt Rik.
Me: Shut up. *laughing*
Kyla came running in my room.
Kyla: Aunt Rikkkkkk!
Me: Hey baby I missed you.
Kyla: I missed you. I was with mommy and I hated it.
Me: Aw i'm sorry.
Kyla: Can I sleep with you?
Me: You have to ask grandma.
Kyla: Okay.
She jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs.
Jake: Aw your so cute.
Me: How?
Jake: Your just so sweet to her.
Me: Yeah because her moms a bitch.
Jake: Yeah.
Me: She wants to sleep with me.
Jake: Aw that's cute.
Me: Yeah. I wish you met her before.
Jake: Me too. I love little kids.
Me: Good because your about to have one.
Jake: Yeah.
Me: I said your name to my mom and she didn't get mad.
Jake: Does she know who I am?
Me: I don't know.
Kyla came back upstairs.
Kyla: Grandma said yes.
Me: Okay go get your pjas and i'll change you.
Kyla: Okay.
Me: Make sure you get a pull up for tonight.
Kyla: Okay.
Jake was playing his play station and talking to his friends on his head set.
Me: Babe make sure you don't say anything bad.
Jake: I'll try.
Me: Please.
Jake: I'll try as hard as I can.
Kyla came back into my room with her clothes.
Kyla: Here.
Me: Come up here on my bed so I can change you.
Kyla: No he will see me naked.
Me: Hes not looking. He's playing a game.
Kyla: Tell him not to look.
Me: He can't hear me he's talking to his friends.
Kyla: Okay.
I took off Kyla's pants and shirt so she was just in her pull up. I took it off her so now she was naked. Just then Jake looked at his phone because his game was over. You could see Kyla's but and some of my face. He just laughed and then started playing his game again. I finished getting her dressed.
Me: Okay lay down.
Kyla: Okay.
Me: I'm gonna go to the bathroom but then we have to go to bed because I have school tomorrow.
Kyla: Okay.
I got up to tell Jake bye. I got to the bathroom.
Me: Babe.
Jake didn't respond at first.
Me: Babe.
Jake: Yeah.
Me: I'm gonna go lay down with her.
Jake: Noooo.
Me: Babe I have to. She's gonna go to sleep and I can't talk to you.
Jake: Fine.
Me: I'll text you.
Jake: I love you.
Me: I love you a lot more.
Jake: Bye baby.
I left the bathroom and went and layed in bed. All I could think about was did my mom head me. Kyla had her head next to my shoulder and her arm over me. I was scratching her back until Jake texted me.
Yes baby?
I love you💚
I love you too💚
I can't wait to have a little family with the person I love.
Me neither.
Do you think it's a little boy or girl?
Little Jake jr.
Omg what would I do?
We would be just alike.
Your already to much for me.
Can't help it.
Mmmm. Okay baby i'm going to sleep.
Okay baby.
I love you.
I love you 2 babies more.
I went to sleep.

Jerika High School Sweet HeartWhere stories live. Discover now