Today I woke up and it was another day of sickness. I was getting ready for school and Jake texted me.
Good morning babe.
Good morning.
I can't wait to see you.
Me neither and neither can our baby.
Okay i'm going to school.
I drove to school. We had a normal school day. Nothing was different. Me and Jake decided that today we were gonna tell our parents I was pregnant. Jake followed me home from school. When we got there we went inside together and both of our moms were sitting there.
E's mom: Sit down!
Me: Okay.
J's mom: You too Jake!
E's mom: What's going on here?
Me and Jake just looked at eachother.
Jake: Were together.
J's mom: We already know so just tell us.
Me: I'm pregnant.
E's mom: ERIKA COSTELL! What have I told you?
J's mom: You too Jake we have had this conversation many times.
E's mom: How does this happen?
Me: I don't know?
E's mom: You do know.
J's mom: 1st of all we didn't even know you were sat and now she's pregnant?!
Jake: Yeah. We didn't wanna tell you guys because we knew you would be mad because we were dating.
J's mom: I would of been less mad if you were just dating but now she's pregnant on top of it.
E's mom: Do you guys just not use protection?
Me: We did.
J's mom: Everg time?
Jake: Yeah. Because I didn't want this to happen.
E's mom: Well then I don't know how this happened.
Me: We don't either.
My sister and Kyla walked inside.
Macy: What's going on here?
E's mom: Your sisters pregnant.
Macy: Oh.
Then she walked away but Kyla was still standing there.
Kyla got scared and ran over to Jake and grabbed on to him so he would pick her up.
Me: It's okay Kyla. Mom we don't know. The fact of the matter is i'm pregnant and I can't stop it.
Kyla: Mama what's pregnant mean?
Me: Well first i'm not your mom baby.
Kyla: But I want you to be.
Me: That's not how it works.
Kyla: What's pregnant mean?
Me: It means a mommy and a daddy love eachother so they have a baby and it's in the mommy's belly.
Kyla: Where's my daddy?
Jake: Sometimes daddy's go away for awhile and then come back.
Kyla: When will mine come back?
Jake: Or your mommy might find a better daddy for you one day. She seems like a nice mommy.
Kyla: So aunt Rik has a baby in her belly and your the daddy?
Me: Yep.
Kyla: So i'll have a baby here.
Me: Yeah you will have someone to play with when she gets older.
Kyla: Yayy.
Kyla hugged Jake and then came over to me and hugged me. She got off my lap and ran away to her play room.
J's mom: Okay well this conversation is over.
Me: Are you staying here for a little bit or do you wanna go home?
Jake: sill stay.
E's mom: Well it's not like you can get pregnant so sure..
Jake: Okay mom i'll see you later.
J's mom: Okay bye guys.
All of us: Bye.
Jakes hand was on my thigh the whole time but I just now realised. My mom got up and went to the kitchen. He started moving his hand and then slapped my thigh and put his hand on the inside of my thigh. We were watching tv in the living room and then my Kyla ran downstairs and told me and Jake to follow her upstairs. We did and she took us to her play room.
Kyla: Play with me.
Me: Okay.
Jake: What do you wann play.
Me: Do Jakes make-up.
Jake: N-
Kyla: Okay.
I started laughing and then Jake looked at me.
Me: At least she likes you.
Jake: Yeah.
She started doing Jakes makeup and then she got done.
Me: Okay me and Jake are gonna go to my room.
Kyla: Okay.
We went to my room and into my bathroom so Jake could get the make-up off his face.
Me: I think our moms like eachother.
Jake: Yeah that's good.
When Jake was washing his face I spanked his ass.
Jake: HEY!
I ran into my room and layed on my bed. I acted like I was asleep and Jake came and ran and jumped on top of me.
Jake: I know your not asleep.
Me: And if I was would you just jump on me.
Jake: No.
I had on sweatpants and a tshirt. Jake put his hand up my shirt and was rubbing my belly.
Me: This 9 months is gonna take forever.
Jake: Yeah.
Me: I need to call and make an appointment.
Jake: I wanna go.
Me: Obviously I wouldn't go without you.
Jake: Good.
He got up and went pee and then came back and layed his head on my stomach. I was messing with his hair and then Kyla came in my room.
Me: Hey baby.
Kyla: What are you guys doing?
Me: Nothing.
Jake: Come up here and lay on her belly with me.
Kyla: Okay.
She came on my bed and her and Jake were both laying there. It was so cute I took a picture of them. I was so glad they got along because Kyla is basically my kid.
Kyla: Aunt Rik I need a new pull up.
Me: Go get one and i'll change you.
Kyla: No Jake will look at me!
Me: No he won't I'll make him close his eyes.
Kyla: Okay.
She jumped off my bed and ran into her room.
Me: She's so sacred your gonna see her naked.
Jake: I already have.
Me: She doesn't know that.
Then Kyla came running back into my room.
Jake: Okay.
Kyla: Don't peak!
Jake: Okay.
Kyla: Are you looking?
Jake: No.
Kyla: Good.

Kyla: Okay now you can look.
Jake: Okay.
I started laughing.
Jake: What?
Me: She's just funny.
Mom: Dinners ready!
Me: Okay!

Me: Come on grandma said food is done.
Kyla: I'm not hungry.
Me: If you don't eat you have to go to bed right now with no tv.
Kyla: Fine.
Kyla left my room and me and Jake sat there for a minute.
Jake: Your so cute with her.
Me: So are you. She loves you.
Jake: That's good.
Me: Give me a kiss. I haven't had on all day.
We kissed and then I got out of bed and Jake slapped my ass and then we went downstairs.

Jerika High School Sweet HeartWhere stories live. Discover now