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We went upstairs and Jake went and sat on the end of my bed. I went pee and then came back. I changed from my jeans into my shorts and then into a tshirt. I went over to my bed and layed down and Jake pulled me to him. I went over to him and stood between his legs. He kissed me and then I kissed him. He layed back and pulled me to lay on top of him.We kissed again and then he sat back up. I went and sat down on my bed and Jake came and sat beside me. His hand was on my stomach rubbing it.
Me: My stomach hurts.
Jake: Are you gonna puke?
Me: Maybe.
Jake: Please don't.
Me: I can't help it.
I was laying there with Jake and then got up really fast and ran to the bathroom. I started puking and then I stopped. I got a towel and wiped my mouth off and got a drink of water. I went back to lay down with Jake.
Jake: Are you okay?
Me: My stomach hurts.
He was rubbing my stomach and then I rolled over to my side so my face was between Jakes side and the bed. He started scratching my back.
Jake: Are you sure your okay?
Me: I don't know.
Jake: Are you hot?
Me: No.
Jake: Cold?
Me: No.
Jake: Does your stomach feel better now?
Me: No. It feels the same.
My stomach started to hurt so bad I started to cry.
Jake: Awe babe don't cry.
Me: Babe my stomach hurts so bad....
Jake: I know baby.
Me: It won't stop....
Jake: Move you head up here.
I moved my head and layed it on his stomach. My hand was on his abs.
Me: Baby it hurts so baddd....
Jake: I know babe.
Me: I want it to stoppp....
Jake: Do you have sickness your whole pregnancy?
Me: I don't know.
I moved my head so it was back on my pillow. Jake put his hand back on my stomach and was rubbing it. My mom got home and came up to my room.
Mom: Are you okay?
Me: No my stomach hurts.
Mom: Did you take medicine?
Me: No I can't get up.
Mom: Let me get you some ibuprofen.
She left and then came back and gave me the medicine.
Me: I love you mama.
Mom: I love you too baby girl.
Me: Do you have sickness your whole pregnancy?
Mom: Some people do and some don't.
Me: Okay.
Mom: Jake are you staying here tonight?
Jake: No my mom wants me to come home.
Mom: Awe she misses her baby.
Jake: Yeah.
My mom left and then Kyla came in my room.
Me: Baby go with grandma my belly hurts.
Kyla: But I wanna stay here!
Me: No go with grandma.
Kyla: Nooooo!!
Mom: What?
Me: Take Kyla.
Mom: Come on Kyla.
Kyla: No!
Mom: Come on.
Kyla: No!
My mom picked her up and took her. She started crying.
Me: Awe I feel bad.
Jake: Don't feel bad if your stomach hurts.
Me: Yeah but her crying makes me wanna cry.
Jake: Awe babe.
Me: And my sisters not even here.
Jake: Babe don't stress yourself out.
Me: I know.
We were laying there for 30 minuets and then Jakes mom texted him.
Jake: My mom wants me to come home.
Me: Noooo...
Jake: I know.
Me: I don't wanna be alone.
Jake: I'm sorry babe it's not my decision. I'll see you tomorrow.
Me: I don't wanna go to school tomorrow.
Jake: Tell your mom your stomach hurts.
Me: She already knows so if I keep throwing up i'm not going.
Jake: Then i'll be alone at school.
Me: I did it without you one day so you can do it.
Jake: I'll come over after school tomorrow.
Me: Okay.
I got up and Jake followed me. We walked downstairs and to my front door.
Me: Bye I love you. *kisses*
Jake: I love you too. *kisses*
Me: I'll see you tomorrow.
Jake: Bye baby.
Me: Bye.
I went inside and shut the door. I walked in the kitchen where my mom and Kyla were.
Mom: Are you hungry?
Me: No I feel like i'm gonna puke.
Mom: Do you think you'll go to school tomorrow?
Me: No.
Mom: Okay.
I got up and went to the bathroom. It threw up again so I went upstairs to my room. I layed down and went to sleep. I woke up the next morning at 10. I looked at my phone and Jake texted me.
Good morning princess.
Hi baby.
Do you feel better?
My stomach still hurts but not like i'm gonna puke.
That's better than yesterday.
I can't wait to see you💚
Me neither. When you get here just come up here because I don't want to get up.
I stopped texting Jake because I fell asleep but the. ext thing I remember is Jake coming in my room and laying next to me. I scooted towards him and layed on him.
Jake: Hi princess.
Me: Hi Jakey.
Jake: Did you have a good nap?
Me: Yeah.
Jake: I didn't mean to wake you up.
Me: Your fine. I'd rather see you then sleep.
Jake: I love you.
Me: I love you too.

Jerika High School Sweet HeartWhere stories live. Discover now