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I woke up the next morning to my mom getting Kyla for daycare. She took her at 7am. Me and Jake both kinda woke up. When my mom took her me and Jake moved closer together. He wrapped his arm around me and I put my hand on his stomach. The next time I woke up it was 8:30. I got on my phone for awhile and then woke Jake up. I sat on top of him and kissed him.
Me: Baby.
Jake: Mm.
Me: Baby you have to get up we have to go to our appointment.
Jake: My head hurts.
Me: Here take this ibuprofen.
Jake: I don't wanna get up.
Me: Baby please.
Jake: Mmm.
Me: I'm getting in the shower you better be up when I get out.
Jake: Okay.
I got up and went to the bathroom. I got in the shower and then got out. I went out to my room and Jake was still laying in bed. I went and sat down on the bed. I started playing with his hair. He put his arm around me.
Me: Baby.
Jake: Baby just lay down.
Me: No you have to get up.
He pulled me on top of him so I was standing over him. He pulled my arm down.
Jake: Owww babeee.
Me: You did that to yourself. You pulled me down.
I put my hand down his pants and was touching him.
Me: Your fine get up.
Jake: I swear I'm never gonna be able to have kids again as many times as i've been hit.
Me: Well we don't need anymore kids right now so that's not a worry right now.😂
I put my hands behind his neck and was pulling him up.
Me: Babe please.
Jake: Fine.
I got up and was getting ready. I had a sports bra and underwear on. Jake came up behind me and was grinding on me.
Me: Baby!
Jake: What?
Me: Get ready!
Jake: Okay!
Jake finished getting dressed and we went downstairs. My mom was meeting us there from work so we drove. We got to the place and went inside. Soon after my mom came in. The nurse called us back and we went back there. She made me take a pee sample and she took my blood to make sure I was pregnant. She came back and confirmed it. she was just feeling my stomach and then she did and ultrasound. The baby was so small. She said I was about 6 weeks. We got done with my appt and then left. Me and Jake picked up Kyla from daycare early. We got there and went inside. We signed in and then went to her class room. She saw us and ran over to us. She ran to Jake first and gave him a hug and then me.
Me: What the hell? She ran to you first😂
Jake: I'm her favourite😂
Me: Mkay.
We walked over to her cubby and got her stuff. We took her and signed her out. We got in the car and I buckled her in her car seat. Then we started driving.
Jake: How was daycare?
Kyla: Good.
Me: Did you see your boyfriend?
Kyla: Yes.
Me: Guess what me and Jake did today.
Kyla: What?
Me: We went to go see the baby in my belly.
Kyla: I wanna see!
Me: Next time we go i'll take you.
Kyla: I'm hungry.
Jake: Do you wanna go eat?
Kyla: Yessss!
Jake: Okay.
We drove to Mcdonald's and went inside and ate. We got done and then went home. We got inside and went to my room.
Kyla: WHAT?!
Kyla: YES!

Me: Do you feel better today?
Jake: Yeah.
Me: I'm glad it's friday.
Jake: Yeah me too.
Me: I don't want you to leave tonight.
Jake: Me neither baby.
Me: My stomach hurts.
Jake: Like your sick or the baby?
Me: Baby.
Jake: Oh.
Jake leaned over and kissed me. He was pulling on me to sit on top of him.
Me: Let me change babe.
Jake: No you don't need clothes.
I got up and put on booty shorts and a sports bra.
Jake: See this is why your pregnant.
Me: Why?
Jake: Look at what your wearing.
Me: So.
Jake: Just come over here.
I walked over to Jake and stood over top of him. He pulled my arms down so I would sit on him.
Jake: Fuckkkkk....
Me: What?
Jake: Every time I pull you down you sit on my dick.
Me: So don't pull me down.
I started moving back and forth while I was sitting on him and I could feel him getting hard. I was kissing him and then the door opened. It was Kyla. I stopped kissing him and then just sat there.
Kyla: Aunt Rik mom is going to the store and she said I have to stay here.
Me: Okay. Are you staying in here or are you going in her room to watch tv?
Kyla: I'm watching a movie and I'll come here when it's done.
Me: Okay baby love you.
Kyla: Love you too.
She left and then me and Jake started laughing. We started kissing again and then Jake put his hand down the front on my pants. He started fingering me and rubbing my clit. He kept going faster and faster.
Me: mmm... mmm...
Jake: be quite baby girl.
Me: fuckkk...
Jake stopped and then pulled my pants down but not all the way off. He went down and was giving me head. I was holding his head.
Me: mmm... babyyyy... mmm...
Me: fuckkkkk... daddy...
He stopped and we started making out again. I was undoing his jeans while we were making out. I pulled them down and then started sucking him. I was going fast. Jake was pushing my head down more. I stopped and then we were making out. I sat back on Jake and started riding him. I was going fast and Jake was holding onto my waist. He was moving his hips up and down. I stopped and then he came on his shirt.
Jake: fuck
Me: awe😂
Jake: I don't have any other shirts. Your wearing my clean one.
Me: Well I guess you don't have one.
Jake: Babe please wash it.
Me: I don't want to right now.
Jake: Give me that shirt.
Me: I wanna wear it.
Jake: Babe you have a whole closet full of clothes. I have 1 shirt.
Me: You don't need a shirt right now.
Jake: Okay but i'll need it later.
He stood up and was walking to the bathroom.
Jake: Babe really?!
Me: What?
Jake: Look at my pants!
Me: That's not my fault.
Jake: Yes it is I can't cum on the outside of my pants.
Me: You have shorts wear them.
Jake went in the bathroom and came out in his basketball shorts. I pulled my pants up and went to check on Kyla.
Me: Is your movie over?
Kyla: Yep it just ended.
Me: Come in here with me and Jake.
We walked over to my room and Jake was standing there on his phone. He was faced away from us but when we walked in he turned around.
Jake: Hey little lady!
Kyla: Hey!
I sat on the bed and then Kyla told me she needed a new pull up.
Kyla: I need a new pull up.
Me: Ask Jake to go with you.
Kyla: Jake will you help me change my pull up.
Jake: Yeah come on.
Kyla ran to her room and Jake followed her.
Jakes point of view
When Kyla asked me to change her it was so cute. She sounded so innocent and sweet. I went with her and when we got to her room she grabbed one and gave it to me. I pulled down her pants and then took off her pull up. I put the new one one and then put her pants back on.
Kyla: Carry me to your room.
Me: Okay.
It was cute how she said your room and not Erika's room. I picked her up and we went to Erika's room. When we got there Erika was in the bathroom. I could hear her puking.
Me: Babe are you okay?
Erika: Mmm *pukes*
Me: Okay.
We sat in the bed waiting for Erika. She came out and she looked sick.
Me: Babe do you feel okay?
Erika: Yeah.
Me: Are you sure?
Erika: Yeah i'm used to it now.
Me: Okay.
Erika's point of view
When they left I felt the urge to puke. This was the part I hated about being pregnant. When I came out of the bathroom I just wanted to lay in bed. After I layed there for a little bit I felt better. Kyla got under covers and layed down.
Kyla: Your beds wet!
Me and Jake just looked at eachother and and laughed.
Jake: Oh I spilt water in the bed.
Me: Here sit on top of the cover and i'll get you a blanket.
Kyla: Okay.
Every time I looked Jake all I could do was laugh.
Jake: Babe quit laughing.😂
Me: I'm sorry I can't.😂
Jake: it's your fault.
Me: Um no it was you.
Jake: How was is me?
Me: Came from you.
Jake: No you were laying there.
Me: You made me do it.
Jake: Okay whatever😂
Me: I need to do laundry.
Jake: Yeah you do.
Me: Um my laundry.😂
Jake: Babe. Do mine to. You wear it most the time not me.
Me: Babe you know i'm joking. I'll do anything for you.
Jake: Don't get my clothes dirty and you wouldn't have to wash them.
Me: Oh my god. Come on let's go downstairs Kyla.
Kyla: Why?
Me: I have to do laundry.
Kyla: Okay.
We all got up and I grabbed the clothes and went downstairs.

Jerika High School Sweet HeartWhere stories live. Discover now