Chapter 9

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Present-time/Still Justin POV

"Hi Martin, how do you do?" 

The faithful and diligent secretary, smiled with a twinkle in his eyes. "Well, Justin I am doing just fine. But it appears the Baron would like to see you, something about your future."

My heart race as my mind was filled with all of the possibilities that this could mean. "Really how so?" I inquired.

"I don't suppose I know..." He started as Baron Arald entered the room. 

"Ah, Martin, I see Justin has arrived."

"Yes, sir, he has!" Martin spoke with a salute.

"Yes, Martin I can see that," he said with a chuckle."Good to see you've never changed. Please come to my office." he said in my direction.

Baron and I made our way up the staircase and into his office, he invited me to sit down. He spread his arm toward the finely-lacquered set of chairs in front of a complimentary table and nearly identical, but larger chair for the Baron himself. The tables were mostly pain, with the exception of a few ornate features. 

I looked around the office, all I could see was the signature coat of arms shield-and crossed swords that represented the family crest of Baron Arald. The room was dark near the corner, but wait...was that wall moving? No, I just may be seeing things. 

As I sat down, the Baron poured himself a drink. I couldn't do much but watch. So as I simply watched him drink a sip of his red wine, he became suddenly amused. He looked over my shoulder, to which stood a mysterious man of less-than-average height. As he appeared to walk from the wall itself, I was reminded of the"magic" and "sorcery" I had seen as kid.

All of my friends and I would spread rumors about how the famous King's Rangers could jump into trees and shoot faster than you could blink. Most of them spoke in awe, while others would think more realistically and believe it all to be rubbish. Only I had ever seen a Ranger right before my very eyes, up close and personal, but my father had told me that "Rangers liked to be unknown and secretive." he'd say, they are good to the country; no doubt about that. But they like to be kept away from others and wouldn't be too pleased if you say too much about it; remember, a Ranger keeps the lives of two dozen men on his belt." he'd warn me with the old, well-known line.

But to see a real King's Ranger in the flesh, well I couldn't contain my excitement. "Wait, you're a Ranger aren't you! I've heard so much about you; by the way what is it like..." I began. As I was speaking, I realized that the cloaked figure had turned away and started talking to Baron Arald.

"My dear Baron, I must ask; did Halt always feel like he wanted to put an arrow between my eyes for asking so many questions?" he asked without a smile.

"Yes, dear Will.He had told me that on the first day of your apprenticeship that you had potential and you were a hard-working."

"Really?" the cloaked figure asked incredulously. "Did he say anything else?"

"Oh yes, he did sort of mention that he wanted to tie you with this cuffs, drag you to the river, and drown you right then and there. Something about you drinking all of his coffee, answering his questions with questions, rushing into things too quickly, and asking WAY too many questions." the Baron continued with much interest. The cloaked figure, who I've come to see as simply Will, had shown the slightest look of a wince as he appeared to remember events of the past."Wow, go on."

"He had also told me that the day you got an apprentice, you would feel the same way. Said something about hair turning-gray and you getting headaches from all the droning of your new apprentice, though he did mention it was a pleasant sort of headache."

"Well, I can't say I enjoy becoming jaded and grouchy like him. Alyss won't like the hair-turning gray part; I can't imagine looking like Halt, all..."

"All what? I never said anything about being jaded or grouchy, those were your words. Do you think Halt would like to hear those nice, kind words coming from one of his former apprentices?"

"Well, I don't suppose so..."

"You don't suppose? Didn't Halt tell you not to think, something a dangerous pasttime." He paused. "So no excuses? You've got nothing to say. Nothing." the Baron puffed his chest with pride and triumph, before continuing. "It's not everyday I get to best a Ranger, ah, what did Horace call you people, 'puppet masters'?"

"Very funny." The cloaked man responded dryly with a bit of humor in his eyes. During the conversation to what appeared to be between long-time, dear friends, I noticed that the man in the cloak, Will, was the same man I met when I was hospitalized. 

"Will, didn't I see you when I was lying hurt, I remember now!" To this, Will nodded to confirm my thoughts, but then he got up out of his chair and handed a letter to the Baron. Then he promptly walked over to me and said, "Take risks, but never lie or do wrong to an ally. We are all allies here. Don't you forget it." I could only give a confused "What?", then he began to walk away along with Baron Arald. As they proceeded to walk away without a word, I was confused.

"Hey, wait! What does this mean about my future? I don't understand." As I began to run after them, I realized that the Baron had dropped a piece of paper, the same one that Will had given to him before they had left. All it said on the front was "Classified" and was well-sealed. I wanted to read it but didn't if it was right. But remembering Will's words, I decided to open it and see for myself. And I instantly regretted it.

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