Chapter 10. Flowers are for girly girls

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(A/N: 5.2 k reads?! Omg! I don't deserve you guys! Thank you sooooo much. You all are the best! Please keep reading and being awesome everyday.)

Buttercup's pov

After school, we all walked to the park. We were bored and we weren't quite ready to go home yet. "Wanna go play on the swings?" Boomer asked bubbles and she giggled and nodded. "Sure, boomie." She replied, making me want to puke. Blossom and Brick were sitting  by the pond, throwing rocks. "BRICK! Don't hit the duck!" Blossom shouted and Brick chuckled. "I wasn't going to hit the duck, I was going to hit the snake." Brick said, a mischievous grin on his face. "Snake?! Where?" Blossom said, panicking. "There ain't no got dang snake, pinkhead " Brick said, laughing. I decided to turn around and walk away from them, not wanting to be a third wheel to either of them. I mean...I wouldn't mind being a third wheel at all, in fact, I loved to make fun of them. However, I decided to leave them alone. Why are those two so in love? It's disgusting. Love is gross, absolutely disgusting and horrible. Why would anyone indulge in it? My thoughts were interrupted when I bumped into butch. "Hey, watch where you're goin- oh, hey buttercup." His expression changed when he saw me. It went from annoyed to amused in about 0.02 seconds. I scoffed and crossed my arms "Hey butch." I said, playfully rolling my eyes. We stared at each other for a moment and it became quite awkward very quickly. I turnt my head, quickly, to hide my blush. Blushing?! Why was I blushing?! All of a sudden, he grabbed my hand, and began to run. "What the-!" I started. "Butch, what the heck are you doin'?!" I asked, trying to wriggle my hand out from his tight grip. "I needa show you something." He said, slowing his pace, and soon coming to a stop. As soon as he stopped, I snatched my hand from his and then glared. He just chuckled as he put his hand down. "What did you need to show me, crazy hair?" I said and investigated my new surroundings. "This." He said, pointing to the beautiful, quiet forest behind him. "Wow, it's so beau- uh I mean! It's totally lame." I said, biting the inside of my cheek and crossing my arms again. "Well I mean, I could just throw you in that river right there and no one would know." He said, raising. "Would that be totally lame?" He said, amused. "Yes." I said. "But it would be cool if I dragged you in with me and then drowned you. No one would know." I said, cleverly, as he laughed. "Okay, okay. That's fair." He said, as his eyes met mine once again. His electric green eyes were glowing as he looked towards me. I looked down, not wanting to make direct eye contact. I stared at his chest, lazily, not being tall or caring enough to look up again. He suddenly held a flower out to me. I stared at it for a moment and then looked up at him. "here" he said, putting a hand behind his back, and kicking the grass a bit, in embarrassment. "I-I got this f-for you." He stammered a bit, making me blush. A flower? Why would he get me a flower? Does he like me or somethin'? I scoffed and said "flowers are for girly girls." Then, he pouted and said "please! It's not just any flower, it's special." Butch said. I laughed for a while, as he stared at me, with full seriousness. "What's so special about it?" I asked and he just thought about it for a moment. "Eh..I got nothing, it's special because I said it is! Now, take it." He said and I shook my head, frantically. "Why?" He whined. "I don't want it." I frowned. "But every time I try and give you something you don't want it..I don't have cooties. So, why can't you just take it? You always run from me, scoff, and roll your eyes. Do you-" He stopped, not wanting to go there. "W-what?" At this point, I was starting to feel kind of bad. "Do you hate me, buttercup?" He asked, with his head down. "I-I mean I uhm-..." I didn't hate him at all. In fact, it was the exact opposite. I wanted to tell him, I just wasn't ready to accept my feelings. "No,'s fine, I get it." He said, quickly running off, with an agitated expression. How could I be so inconsiderate? Now, I had made him upset. He wasn't going to talk to me for a while now. I just knew it. What have I done?

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