Chapter 11: fists of fire

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(A/N: Merry Christmas to you all~! I hope all my beautiful sunflower children have a excellent Christmas. If you haven't received too much of a good gift, then here is a present you can look forward to.)

Buttercup was running through the forest, trying to keep up with butch. The sky was darkening suddenly and she couldn't see a thing. "Butch, wait!" She exclaimed, still chasing after him. She decided to stop for a moment, exhausted from the run, as the pitch black haired, green eyed boy disappeared into the lush green, tall vegetation. She stooped over, placing her hands onto her knees, as her hair rushed to fall over her shoulder, like a waterfall. Her chest heaved as she took a moment of rest, only to look back up and notice that she was in the middle of nowhere. "W-what? Where am I?" She questioned, to no one in particular. What she didn't know was that someone was standing right there? "You're in my boulevard now, buttercup." Said an unfamiliar speaker. "Who are you?!" Buttercup shouted. "And..Where's Butch?!!" She asked, quite angrily. "Oh don't worry, your little boyfriend is safe" said an unknown person. "Leave me alone, I just want to find Butch and go home!" She said, her eyes clouding with tears. "Aw, you'll do anything for butchie boy, won't you? If you want him back, you're going to have to take me on first." Said a shady figure. Buttercup had her fists up, in front of her chest, clenched tightly as she was ready for any unknown attack. "Come out and fight me, then, you wimp!" She called out. "As you wish." As quickly as a match could strike a fire into existence, the very same person who was speaking jumped out of the tree and landed perfectly on their feet. "Brute?!" Buttercup gasped. "I should have known it was you." She gave her a shady look. "Always ready to take me on, eh? I've gotten stronger these days." Brute said, circling her. "As if. I bet you still couldn't hurt a fruit fly" Buttercup smirked. Brute came in front of her and raised her fists. "Guess we'll have to let our fists decide." Brute said and jabbed her fist out, as an attack to Buttercup. Buttercup ducked and Brute continued to swiftly throw punches at her left and right. Just as buttercup continued blocking with her hands, brute finally caught on and grabbed buttercup's hand, flipping her over onto the hard ground. Buttercup kicked herself back up and zoomed towards brute, as they grabbed ahold of each other and began to push against each other. Brute kicked buttercup in the stomach and punched her in her chest twice but by the second time, Buttercup  got a hold of her arm, pulling brute towards her. Buttercup used Brute's right arm to spin her in circles, making her dizzy, then kicked her like a soccer ball. Brute recovered quickly, kicking buttercup into the air and making swift uppercuts to her chest. Buttercup didn't have enough time to regain herself, as brute spun her and dragged her back down to the ground. Buttercup could have broken her neck, but lucky enough for her, she spun quickly enough to get out of the position. She flipped to the side and slammed brute down on her right leg. Brute got up, once again, and slapped buttercup to the side, putting a leg on her chest and kicking her to the ground once again. Buttercup remained on the ground, tiredly, and in pain. Brute put a leg on buttercup's chest so that she couldn't get up. "This is it for you, Lima bean, if you don't give up your powers, I will end it right now." Brute said, holding up a green flame ball."Brute you already have powers..why do you need mine?" Buttercup groaned. "That is none of your business." Brute crosses her arms. Buttercup managed to flip off brutes leg and get up. She zoomed over to her once again, swiftly throwing punches. "I'm. not. giving. you. my. powers. LEAVE ME ALONE AND TELL ME WHERE BUTCH IS SO I CAN GO HOME!" She said, in between punches. Brute finally gave up, from exhaustion, and unbearable pain. "Okay! Okay! You win, Butch crossed the great border." Brute heaved. "Thank you." Buttercup stated, agitatedly, and walked away. Buttercup began walking in the opposite direction. The dark clouds were clearing as the sky began to get bright and sunny again. "Butch!" Buttercup called out. "Where are you?" She said, to no one in particular, but it echoed throughout the forest. "Butch! I'm sorry, okay?" Buttercup exclaimed. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!" She yelled. Then, she shivered, realizing that it was raining. "Ugh!! Butch! Come out! It's raining, we need to get home." Buttercup shouted out to nothing, again. Still, Butch seemed to be hiding or maybe he was gone. "Please.." She bit her lip, not wanting to let the tears fall. "Please come back to me." She requested, one last time. Unfortunately, it hadn't worked. Tears streamed down her face, as she sadly began to cry. She lied down by a log and put her head in her hands, while raising her knees to her forehead, crying. Her luminous black hair was dampening in the rain as well as her pale, white skin. It was now coated with little droplets of water, just like her cheeks from her crying. She did not move from that very spot. Continuing to cry until she fell asleep, buttercup laid there. No one was coming and she was lost in this maze of green, discomfort, regret, and loneliness. A pair of muscular arms scooped her up and took her to a safe place. "Stupid. You're going to catch a cold out here. Why go through all of the trouble?" Someone said. Buttercup just wrapped her arms around their waist and cuddled into it. "Butch.." she mumbled. "I'm sorry.." she added, talking in her sleep. "I know you are. Now get some rest, beautiful." A loving voice said, tucking her into a bed and kissing her on her forehead. "Did you find her?" Blossom asked, as she was quite worried about her sister. "Yes, she's fine. No need to worry." He responded. "Thank you so much! I was worried sick. Well..I'm going to hit the hay, good night." Blossom said, with a yawn. "Night." He responded. He then walked over and laid on the floor, like a gentlemen, letting buttercup have the bed. "Sweet dreams, buttercup." Butch said to her, indirectly.


(How was that?!)

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