8|Serum 🏮

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After about another hour of packing, Sabine and Leia were on there way to the secret rebel base on Lothal.

After awhile they finally arrived to be greeted by Hera and Jai.

"Thank God, I've stared gettimg worried. Wait, where's Ezra at?" Hera asked.

"They took him Hera. They took him to inject him with a serum that could turn him to the darkside," Sabine said really fast.

"Firstly, take deep breath and calm down. Now what did you say?" Hera said.

Sabine took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves, "Dante, took Ezra to inject him with a serum that will turn him to the darkside,"

"Wow. Okay," Hera said in shock, "Why don't you put your things on the Ghost, and rest for A- ," She stopped mid-sentence eyeing the engagement ring that was on her left hand, "What's that?"

"Oh, you mean my ring. Ezra said he was going to propose to me tomorrow, since it was our 3 year anniversary. But with him being captured and all, he gave me it today," Sabine said.

Hera walked closer to Sabine, took her hand, admiring the engagement ring, "It's beautiful,"

"Thanks, I'm going to go put my stuff up, and probably take a nap. I'm not feeling to good," Sabine said.

"Why don't you go to the med-bay and get checked out," Hera suggested.

"I'll be fine, probably just my anxiety," Sabine replied before heading to her small room on the ghost, with a few boxes.


"You resist the serum well," Dante said, "But let's see how well you resit it with one, more powerful," as Dante said that, Darth Vader came into the room.

Hello Jabba, or should I use your real name, Ezra Bridger." Darth Vader said.

Ezra was so weak that he could hardly talk. But aftet awhile he finally managed to say, "What do you want from me."

"I want to make you suffer." Vader said.

"Torturing me or trying to turn me to the dark side. Would never make me suffer," Ezra crooked.

"Ah yes. But turning you to the dark side only to kill your beloved girlfriend and her baby, will," Vader said.

Ezra was shocked. He didn't know Sabine was pregnant. She never showed any sign of it. Just 2 nights ago she was drinking at their friends get -together.

He knew that Sabine would never intentionally hurt a baby. Especially one that was inside her.

"I'm sorry, about your master. He's not dead. But he will be. Shortly," Vader said.

All Ezra wanted to do was get out of here. He wanted to see Sabine. He wanted to make sure she was alright. He wanted to make sure the baby was safe.

"Now, Dante, you said you created a stronger serum. Use it," Vader said before exiting the chamber.

Soon after Dante put a blue serum through the Ezra's IV. "Now this one should work," He said before walking out of the room.

Once the serum started flowing through Ezra's veins. All he wanted to do was scream. But he couldn't. He could hardly keep his head up. He could hardly stay conscious. He kept focusing on Sabine.

'Focus on Sabine, Ezra. You'll be okay just focus,' Ezra told himself.

But it didn't work.

After a few minutes of figting it, he gave up, Slipping into a unconscious void.


Kanan Jarrus was sitting in a, cold, dark, gloomy cell the Empire put him in.

He could hear screaming. Screaming that sounded familiar.

He could feel Ezra's familiar force signature.

There was only one thing wrong. He could feel it fading.

•{♡}• A/N

I'm really sorry for just abandoning this book.

I've been really busy the last 2 months.

So have this chapter.

I've been working on a small book lately. Well it's not rly a book but I think some of y'all will like it.
It should be out by the end of the week depending on how my school work I have.

Anyways have this shortish chapter.

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