Break the Heartbreaker

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A few years have passed, meaning it was now third year.

Everyone has changed, especially Malfoy. He finally had an appropriate hairstyle, instead of slicked back.

I'm not complaining though, I personally still think he's the same pure blooded brat I met years ago. Yet I have noticed that he's got himself a girlfriend. How lovely of him. I rushed up to him before Herbology and said

"Got yourself a girlfriend, Draco?" He barely looked at me, but sneered.

"What's it to you, Mudblood? Can't find someone half-decent here?"

Better be talking about himself, I thought.

"What's it to me? Oh, so apparently you're too good for me. Well, princess, I'll be off. Go enjoy your day with your sad excuse of a girlfriend. "

I turned around and tramped to Herbology, only finding myself dragged back and face to face with Malfoy.

"Listen, Mudblood. If it's gonna be this way around here, then consider yourself dead." Malfoy hissed, before pushing me aside with his partner, acting as though nothing happened.


I didn't eat at lunch, as I was too busy glaring at Malfoy to even notice the food in front of me. 

"Hermione. Hermione!"

I turned to the speaker, to find a bush of ginger hair looking down at me.
The one and only best friend of Harry Potter. Ron Weasley. "Er, hello Ron." I said sheepishly.

We've been talking recently, which had distracted me from other things that have been going on. 

"I need to ask you something." He scratched his head, looking embarrased

"Sure, what is it?"

"W-would.. Would you.. L-like to.."

I raised one eyebrow, becoming slightly impatient.

"Would you like to.. Go to erm, Hogsmeade with me?"

I stared, shocked by the sudden change.

"I," I glanced over to Malfoy. You're done with him, I thought. "Sure, I'd love to." Turning back to Ron.

"Oh really? Blimey.. I mean, great! Tomorrow, Three Broomsticks?" He stuttered, as I nodded and he headed off with a huge smile on his face. Maybe this will be easier than I thought..

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