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Malfoy's POV

The day seemed to pass by very slowly. Transfiguration with Hufflepuff? Horrible. (No I don't have anything against Hufflepuffs, that's.. Just how Malfoy rolls) Herbology with Ravenclaw was hell. All I wanted was it for to be time for Defense Against the Dark Arts. We had some, er, peculiar teacher, named 'Mad Eye Moody'. He literally had a 'mad eye'. It was ridiculous (OR SHOULD I SAY, RIDDIKULUS?.... I'm lame) 

The lesson was about some unforgivable curses or some shit. The lesson was plain, but I was distracted. The young, bushy haired girl in front of me was very distracting. I saw a gleam of light from her middle finger.

A red gemstone. The silver ring wrapped around her thin finger perfectly, and every now and then she'd lay her hazel eyes on the ring; Smiling.

I had her wrapped right around my finger.

And I was going to change fate.


Hermione's POV


I stared at the shiny rhinestone, a smile creeping up onto my face. That night I received it, I never took it off. I'd take it with me everywhere, and I wouldn't let anybody touch it or wear it. It was mine, and mine forever.

I had a feeling that I was being watched, and I knew who it was. I twisted my body to look at the pale Slytherin boy.

Wink at me.

I squealed with excitement. Maybe I'd get a happy ending after all...

(Little does she know :O..)

Ron turned to me, one eyebrow raised.

"Mione, you alright?"

"SILENCE, BOY! I'm tryin' to teach ye' a lesson that 'ill help ye' in the future!" Professor Moody shrieked gruffly. I nodded towards Ron quickly, looking down in disappointment. He's been bothering me all day about the ring, only getting the same answer over and over.

"It's none of your business, Ronald Billius Weasley!" I told Ron after classes have ended.

"Mione, it's just-"

"I know you like me, I know Malfoy does too. But I'm not going to be in love with someone who's trying to control my life!"

"I'm not trying to control you! I just.. I get jealous, okay?"

"Well, congratulations! You're just  realizing I have a life of my own? You're just realizing that I'm allowed to love whoever? Well, good for you! Because right now one of those choices isn't you!" I yelled, before stomping off to finish an essay.


Malfoy's POV

I watched Weasel and Hermione have a feud in the middle of the corridor. As Hermione tramped off, I glared at Weasley as I walked to the Slytherin dungeons.

Damn him..

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