Sharp Minds

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(This is skipped ahead a few years. It's now the middle of fourth year. Don't ask questions. Plz.)

I sat in Transfiguration, mentally taking notes abut what Professor McGonagall was rambling on about. We shared this class with Ravenclaw, and honestly, it was fucking horrible. The Ravenclaws behind me and Ron were muttering to themselves, and switching notes in hushed voices.



The sun was going down, and the sky was darkening. I sat at the window; Waiting. Waiting for something special. Waiting for a little spark of hope. Waiting, for something I would never earn.

That yearning in me grew stronger and stronger. The want, the need  to go do something. I knew what that something was, but I never brought myself up to do it. I always saw myself in his eyes, those large... Mysterious eyes. The way they glared at his rival across the Great Hall..

Curious, one would say. That I had somebody else. Somebody I had fun with, somebody who made me feel happy on the inside when I saw them. But I never went for them. I chased him for so long, and he just kept running. And running. Never stopped, never would.

I snapped back to reality -From that haunting and painful dream - to find the same owl I sent weeks ago, with a letter. I snatched the envelope from the owl, and it set off into the distance. I held the small piece of parchment in my rough hands, reading the same words over and over again, just  to make sure they were real.


It hurts. Truly does. I'm asking this one thing of you.

Don't contact me. Ever again. Please.

And it wasn't even signed. My hazel eyes started watering, but I didn't let a tear slip. I wasn't going to let anyone know, or suffer whatever I'm suffering. There was also something alongside the letter. 

The heart shaped box. I opened it, and all the sweets were gone. The only thing in it's place was a small silver ring with a red gemstone. There was another tiny scrap of parchment underneath it, reading:

Happy Valentines Day

- M.

I didn't give a shit right now, I didn't care if my room mates saw me crying. I let it all flow, but they were now joyful tears. 

I couldn't be any happier right now. I couldn't.


Malfoy's POV

I laid in my emerald green four-poster bed, heart thumping for the first time in years. I saw a barn owl passing by my window, and smiled.

Must've taken it, I thought.


"What is it, Crabbe?"

"Where did that ring I found go?"

"Like you needed it, Crabbe."

"What did you do with it?!"

"Sent it off. Why? Were you gonna send it to your sweetheart for Valentines?"

"You sent it off?! You  probably sent it off to your  valentine!"

"Oh shut up, Crabbe. Like I said, you probably don't need it."

And with that, Crabbe trudged back to his four-poster, leaving the dorm silent. I felt a twisted feeling inside me, mostly regret. Now she's going to think I'm some asshole who's trying to break her... I thought, before turning over and falling asleep.

Yea, I know this chapter is longer. Most of my chapters are around 300-350 words long. This is over 500. 545 to be exact. Anyway, thank you for reading, and knowing I exist. Bye :3

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