Diamonds & Pearls (9)-First Day Jitters

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 Hey, guys! Hope you enjoy :D

Diamonds & Pearls

Before You Read: Hey guys! Quick reminder here! If you're delaying a prayer right now to read this story, stop whatever you're doing and go pray! Don't let anything take you away from Allah. Especially not this story. Now if you're all prayed up, go ahead and enjoy this chapter.

CHAPTER NINE-First Day Jitters

We weren't on the plane for long before Zayan started groaning over his ears popping. I must admit it was just a little unbearable but the dude was being a wimp. It was our first time on a plane ever though. I nearly had a heart attack the first time we hit turbulence and the plane started shaking. Zayan had been hanging onto his seat so tightly that his knuckles were white and Zayan's pretty dark if I do say so myself. I guess it's his extreme fear of heights. I kind of thought he'd gotten over it by now.

“Zayan, you alright?” I said attempting to hold back a laugh.

“I'm fine,” He said through gritted teeth.

 “You sure, you're looking a little pale there.” I said with a smirk.

“Will you shut up Daleela.” Zayan groaned. Zayan rarely ever called me by my real name so I knew he was serious. I shut up for the rest of the trip.

 I jerked awake hours later when Zayan whacked me on the arm. “What? Where? Who did it?” I mumbled, sitting up quickly. “Oh, what's up?” I asked rubbing my eyes.

 “We're still on the plane and it's time to go. You totally drooled on me.” Zayan said, wiping his shirt with a napkin.

 “Oh, my bad.” I replied, wiping my mouth. He looked at me and shook his head.

 “Come on, let's hurry. I hate the way people are looking at you and ummi. See the lady two seats ahead.” He said, gesturing with a flick of his head. I nodded.

 “You and I both know I'd never hit a woman. Let's just say her words were far past unfavorable and it took a lot to control myself.” Zayan growled, sort of reliving the moment from what I could tell. I grabbed his arm.

 “Dude, don't get worked up. People are always going to be weary. All we can do is make du'aa and ask Allah to keep us safe. We can't control her tongue but we can control our actions.” I said in a low voice.

 “Wise kid, I've raised you well.” He said looked down at me. I felt him relax a little. “I'll heed your advise smart young grasshopper.”

 “As you should,” I replied jokingly. We got off the plane, made it to our cab, and got our luggage without any problems. I squeezed into the back of the van with Zayan. He looked out of the window as we drove, lost in his own world.

 I grabbed my carry on bag and decided to open the smaller presents I'd received. The first was a blue little package from a girl named Leena. She'd gotten me a pair of gorgeous earrings. I smiled, grateful. When I reached for my next gift, two letters fell onto the car floor. I picked them up in confusion. They were taped together. A note was stuck to it from Nisa. It told me to open these first. I took the letter in the blue envelope and opened it first.

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