Diamonds & Pearls (13)-A Muslim Girl's Honor

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 Diamonds & Pearls

Before You Read: Hey guys! Quick reminder here! If you're delaying a prayer right now to read this story, stop whatever you're doing and go pray! Don't let anything take you away from Allah. Especially not this story. Now if you're all prayed up, go ahead and enjoy this chapter.

CHAPTER THIRTEEN-A Muslim Girl's Honor

I sat in a dimly lit room waiting to be questioned. Although Abi had argued that this was going too far, I felt bad about withholding information so I decided that I should go. I told them as soon as I woke up about what had happened at the school. I could tell they were both slightly disappointed that I hadn't said anything earlier but they didn't fuss, they just hugged me tightly out of worry. I was grateful to them for going easy on me. I think they saw that I was stressed enough.

A woman entered the small room and sat down across from me. Why did I suddenly feel like I was in the middle of a Criminal Minds episode? I also felt a little queasy since I was nervous and fasting.

"Hi Daleela, My name is Sherrie Laine. I just want to ask you a few questions and I need you to answer honestly." She said with an airy smile. Sherrie seemed to be in her thirties and she had soft wrinkles at the outer corner of her eyes. Her dark blond hair was slicked back into a tight bun and she wore a navy blue pants suit.

"Okay," I replied quietly. My voice sounded pretty weak compared to how I'd hoped it would.

"Now, I was told that you were the one who helped save your classmate, Cole Brackson. Is this information correct?" She asked, talking a little too slowly, as if I had a problem understanding English.

"Yes," I said, playing with my fingers.

"Can I ask you why you two were in a stall together?" Sherrie said, folding her hands together as she waited for an answer. She seemed to be judging me about something and I tried not to get upset about the way she'd said what she said. She was speaking as if we had been in the stall doing something...bad.

"I was going to use the bathroom and I couldn't find a clean stall. When I got to the last stall and opened the door, Cole pulled me inside and told me to stay quiet." I responded, shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

"Why did he tell you to stay quiet?" She asked suspiciously, writing on a small piece of paper.

"I think he knew that those men were chasing him." I said, trying to recall past events. All of this had occurred weeks ago after all.

"Do you know how many men there were?" Sherrie asked in a gentler tone. Although it wasn't all that gentle sounding to me.

"I only heard two." I replied with a frown.

"Did you happen to see either of their faces?" She questioned, still jotting down words.

"No, I was stuck trying to hold Cole's unconscious body. I felt too afraid to look." I mumbled tiredly.

"Do you have any special relationship with Mr. Brackson, Mr. Basco, or Mr. Bloom? Are you friends with them? Is one of them your boyfriend?" She asked me with a pressing expression.

"No! Not at all." I said, shocked she would ask something so strange. She looked as if she didn't believe a word coming out of my mouth. "None of us are friends, really."

"Then why do you seem to care so much for them if they aren't friends or a boyfriend? I have a witness that informed me about you crying over Mr. Brackson when he was hurt." She said accusingly.

"I cried because I was afraid. I just care about people in general, that's my nature I guess. Besides, I was in major shock at the time, wouldn't you be?" I said, becoming just a little uptight.

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