Sneaking suspicions

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Your P.O.V

My thoughts seemed still as I sat in Maths with glossy eyes, pale skin and nerves as thin as ice. Miss Jones was droning on about pie charts and how to change information from a line chart into a pie chart. Beside me Eli was in the same state as me, his glasses still had a crack snaking through the glass. His hair was messier than normally and his face was frozen in a constant fear.


I sprinted as quickly as my feet would take me as all of my previous fatigue was shook of by the fear for my friend. Eli's screams for help where getting more urgent as I stopped and quickly looked around in a 360 degrees circle. Underneath the bridge was a giant green dragon with Eli in its claws. Different dragons where crowding around the scene as fear gripped my heart. There was a lot of space between our heights and jumping would surely kill me. My heart beet was at an all time record as I spotted a giant gemstone tree with aluminium vines. My body reacted before my brain as I quickly grabbed one, took a step back and jumped.

"(Y/n), Eli, pay attention to what I'm telling you!" Miss Jones hissed as I jumped in my seat. cursing under my breath I nodded as I rubbed my sweaty hands down my face and groaned, Eli looked at me with dilated pupils as I weakly smiled at him and willed him to wait until the bell rang so we could get some fresh air.

I screamed a battle cry as I tightened my grip on the ice-cold vine. My body zipped around the air as I dramatically caught their attention  by swinging beneath a waterfall of colours and emerging with golden dust swirling around me. The ground got closer at an alarming speed and I realised that I had left my heart and courage on that cloud bridge. O well too late now. I rolled down the steep banc of clouds before I came to a stop in front of the giant group of terrifying dragons.

The bell roared and I practically leaped from my seat, as did Eli. Quickly darting out of the room I dragged Eli outside before I let go of his hands and let my nerves out. And by that I mean I threw up everywhere. My thoughts where at the brim of bursting as Eli stuttered out:

"(Y/n) you need to go to the nurses office, you obviously aren't well and the cuts on the side of your face have opened up again-" I cut Eli off by coughing and scratchily saying.

"I'm not feeling sick I'm fine, and as for my little...cut. It will be fine with a bit of wet toilet paper." (A yes the magical paper with water on that can cure all illnesses - Every single one of my old primary school teachers) Eli stared at me with a slight hint of annoyance in his eyes as I pulled my sleeve down and dabbed the cut on the side of my head and smiled at him.

"(Y/n) are you alright? You should really go to the nurses office after you just threw up everywhere." I growled as I let my arm fall to my side before I spun around with a snarcy remark ready for the nosy person that had just told me what to do. But the words got caught in my throat as I met the eyes of the nosy intruder.

Silence fell over the ever-growing crowd of dragons as I grunted and pulled myself off the soft ground. I must have looked like a right mess as I regained my composure. My hair was messy from the bellowing wind that had howled at me on my trip down. My face was stained with the blood of my wound that had been reopened by my less-than-graceful landing. And my voice was going to be horse from my 'battle cry'.

"Put my friend down... N O W." I growled with a scratchy voice. I must have sounded scarier than I thought as the green dragon threw Eli onto the floor breaking his glasses and strutted over to me.

"Another filthy human on our land, how DARE you step into Gemstone city. How you got her is beyond my interest but I shall warn you to quickly scurry away from this place ad keep your little mortal mouth shut if you value your life." His gruff voice was intimidating as I struggled not to shrink back and cry.

"And you had better show more respect for your new protector if you value your entire world." I hissed as I stepped up to him with my stomach churning; I was choking on nausea as he laughed before he huffed some crackling fire and turned to me with a more dangerous look.

"You aren't the Dragon Hunter, which means you aren't the protector of our world." It was my turn to laugh as I pulled my amulet from my pocket and hung my hand at my side. I smiled my best shit eating grin as I made my way over to Eli and gently helped him to his feet before I asked the dragon:

"Do you want me to prove it?"

Piercing Blue eyes gently met mine before they scanned my face and widened. Jim went BALLISTIC. And when I say ballistic I mean he was dragging me through the halls of the school towards the nurses office with an iron grip, and a constant stream of questions coming out of his mouth. He seemed determined to get every single detail he could as i bent the truth accordingly his questions. When he asked me what did it to me I answered with: an animal caused me harm so I tried to fight back but ended up getting injured and got a minor case of concussion.

Fear griped my heart as Jim turned towards me and stopped, before he said:

"(Y/n) listen I don't know what's happening to you, but I promise you that you can talk to me. And no matter how crazy, or how impossible what your going through seems I promise you that I could probably relate more than you think." What he had  said touched me and warmed my heart as I felt tears prick the corner of my eyes.

I laughed and hugged Jim tightly. "Thanks Jim," 

He smiled and chuckled before he wrapped his arms gently around me and replied gently. "Don't worry that's what friends are for."

Silence fell over the crowd as I walked forward, raised my arm and shouted:

Gasps of fear and anger came from the crowd as I began levitating and was engulfed in a orb of purple light. I landed on the ground in the spider man crouch before I slowly arose and extended the wings on my back to their full length.

"I AM THE FIRST HUMAN DRAGON HUNTER!" I shouted with my voice still scratchy and a funny tickling giving me the urge to laugh.

-Time skip to after the mysterious green dragon claims to be the actual dragon hunter and you challenge him-

After the giant crowd of disapproving dragons dispersed I felt the nausea hit me like a hammer as I threw up... Rainbows? Jesus Christ I knew that rainbow water smelled dodgy!


A/n- Hey guys thank you all so much for over 400 reads on my story. And because i haven't been updating lately I thought hey! a nice long chapter about you and Jim getting all fluffy with each other will be my Christmas gift to you! But Srsly I need a name for my green dragon, It will be a choice between these names:


Geno  and



Wiggidy, Wiggidy over and out, chaw!!

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