Too much tension

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Your P. O. V

I looked around the corner of the corridor as I held my breath and re-adjusted my bag. My breaths were heavy and my chest was heaving. It was coming closer, and I was terrified. Pressing my back against the wall I squeezed my eyes shut just as it saw me and lundged-

Let me stop you right there. Your probably thinking how I got into this mess, with my messy hair, ragged clothes, bad attitude and crippling anxiety. Well let me take you back to the beginning of this crazy day....


" I can't Eli, this is so weird. I mean it's not like some random troll offered you the chance to spend more time with someone you like but you have to make a magical bond with them that cannot be broken now is it?!" I hissed as I wheeled my bike up to the school with Eli yabbering on about how I should just ignore this whole ' become guardians of the dragons world and the trolls world' thing. But come on let's be real here, that's like asking your Welsh teacher to ignore the fact that you didn't do the homework a week after it's due; you don't consider it and you definitely don't do it.

"Well then what are you going to do? Because I personally think you should keep flying solo, with me! You know, I mean we have been trained together-" I stopped as I locked my bike into the bike rack and glared at Eli. I felt my spine tingle as I glanced around and felt someone or something's metallic Gaze burining holes though my back.

" Its not the same Eli, you come to training because you don't want to be left out, and I get it ok? Your my best friend, but Jim and Toby man... There more informed that us and they have different things that we can learn from. For example they have gnomes and we have skulls-" I cut myself off and panicked as I threw myself into my locker and held my breath.

..,........... DONT JUDGE ME OK!

"(Y/n) are you ok?" I stiffened as I heard the all too familiar voice of Jim Lake question me as he opened up the locker door and raised An amused eyebrow at me. His smile made me struggle not to smile myself as I coughed awkwardly and shuffled past Jim to get out of the locker.

"Yeah, I'm just great, totally not having a mythical life crisis or anything!" I squeaked out in an overly happy voice as I nervously giggled and felt my eye twitch. I thought it impossible to raise your eyebrow any higher but somehow Jim managed as he laughed and clenched his fists. There was an awkward silence before Toby cleared his throat and Eli began asked as I thought that o had never actually introduced myself to Tobias.

"Sorry Toby, but I don't think we've actually officially met. I'm (y/n) you met me when we where running or biking for our lives and I got knocked out of the sky! We might have seen each other around, but yeah!" I was shaking as I vigorously shook Toby's hand with a forced smile on my pale face. I gulped next again felt like I was being watched.

I felt my hands shake even more as Toby gingerly withdrew his hand from my loosened grip and fixed his hair, the fact that Jim was now scratching the back off his head and Eli was still whistling that stupid tune was enough to fry my nerves.

" Ok, a-bye bye now." My voice broke at the end of that sent an as I rushed to the Library and tried to calm my shaking nerves. I, I just couldn't handle this pressure. I'm nobody special. I don't know why I was picked for this amulet, and I don't know why Jim and I where in the same place at the same time in the same magical situation.

Tears pricked the corners of my eyes as I gripped the amulet tightly in my hand and thought about Jim. How could he handle it so well? I sometimes wish that this hadn't happened to me because.., I'm scared. Scared, of the fire breathing reptiles that I have to fight. Scared, of Jim and the life changing descision of becoming a guardian and scared, of the dragon that had nearly killed me and was sitting next to me.................. ......

Wait WhAT?!?!?!?

I shot to my feet as the dragon chuckled and growled: " give me the amulet and I will not harm a single hair on the troll hunters body~" My eyes turned into hockey balls as I felt my stomach churn worse than when my skin came into contact with that dodgy rainbow water.

There hanging with the dragons charcole onyx scales wrapped tightly around his neck, was Jim. I don't know how so much could have gone wrong in such a short time but it went wrong. He had a black eye and part of his t-shirt was sindged with amber fire.

"Jim you idiot, how on freaking earth did you manage to get roasted, punched and strangled by a dragon within the- what? Five minutes I was gone?!" I exclaimed as the dragon barked at me:

" Last chance you pathetic Human Dragin Hunter give me the amulet and I will spare this lonely worms life." I felt heart drop to the pit of my stomach as my shoulders apsagged and I glanced at Jim with an evil glint in my eye.

In his hand was his amulet and in my back pocket was mine, all we needed was a distraction... Honestly where are Toby and Eli when you need them?!

And that's how I got here, interesting huh? How the most ridiculous random thing on Afan fiction can make so much sense with a little perspective?


"FOR THE FLORY OF MERLIN, LUNAR IS MINE TO CONTOL!" I quickly chanted as a shield of light sent the dragon back a couple of inches. Another flash of Blue light threw the dragon into the now crumbling library wall. I huffed and pushed the hair out of my eyes as I smiled at Jim and jumped thought the whole into the desolate maze of streets.

A loud screech took our attention as we squinted at the sun. I titled my head as a dark shape came closer and closer.

"Pleases tell me that's a flying cat and not a dragon." Jim pleaded as he pulled his sword from his back with me following his actions. I giggled lightly but quickly replied with slight annoyance.

"Id hate to break it to ya Jimbo but that ain't no sushi cat on delivery. Its a flaming reptile,"

"Looks like we won the best lottery gift ever," Jim's sarcasm was going to be the death of me as the onyx dragon created a ring of fire around us with amber and ruby flames dancing in union. I came back to back with Jim as I sighed and made up my mind.

"Hey Jim? Have you made up your mind about the whole Guardian thing yet, because I have. And o want to become one with you, AnD SO do HtHe ReADeRs" I-I said as I pulled out my amulet and turned to face Jim; it was in that moment when I had the wind battering my long hair into my face with Him before me gazing at me with his ocean blue eyes that I realised how much I liked him.

"Me too. Let's do this!" And with that Jim pulled out his amulet and time seemed to stop. The cimmerian dragon seemed to stop flying midair as the wind ceased and my hair fell down to my shoulders.

I felt as though I was drowning, suffocating even. Just beneath the surface of a layer of murky ice. My finger tips felt numb from brushing against the ice trying to find a way out. My eyes cloudy from the milky moon light swirling around in the emotionless prison. Everything was going dark and I was sinking.

Before it all went back....

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