Training, Painful, Training

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Your P.O.V

Moon was giving Eli and I a tour of Gemstone City as we made our way over to my first ever session of Dragon Hunter Training. Emerald was already at the arena preparing things for me, I was scared I'll admit; but who can blame a girl for being scared of a giant fire-breathing, flying, reptile that can bite your head off?!

My eyes wandered around over the heads of the dragons that where in all shapes and sizes. Their scales where glittering in the sun light as I spun around in circle after circle still trying to process this amazing place. The sky was still a beautiful ripple of oranges and reds, and the sound of loud chattering was drowning out the soft melodies that where coming from the glowing crystals.

"(Y/n) do you think your gonna learn to fly? Or better yet do you think I'll become a Dragon Hunter too?!" Eli ranted as he jumped up and down excitedly nest to me, I laughed and shook my head as I patted him on the head and called out over my shoulder as I walked in front of him:

"I don't know about the whole 'Dragon Hunter too' thing but I do want to learn to fly. Also I don't know anyone stupid enough to trust you with their life!"

My feet where gliding across the smooth surface of the clouds, I closed my eyes and began quietly humming the tune that was echoing through the skies. And as I opened my eyes they turned into dodgeballs as I quickly threw myself to my right.

"Master (Y/n)! Are you ok?" Moon questioned worriedly as she sat on her two back legs, folded her wings, and helped me up. I glared at the stream of rainbow water that was gently falling onto the cloud right in front of where I was.

"Yuppers. I'm just cautious of that bloody rainbow water, Its dodgy as mother hell-" I was cut off by Eli running into the rainbow water and beginning to play in it. Moons mouth hung open as I face palmed and stood up.

"Don't go anywhere near Eli if he says he feels sick," I called to Moon as her head snapped to my eyes. She gulped and began trotting over to me quickly and pushed me closer to the arena.

Before us was a majestic arena made from glowing purple stones. Magic was flowing through its foundation, I could feel the power running through my veins as my spine began to tingle. My eyes wandered up to the ceiling- or where it was meant to be- where galaxies, planets and stars swirled around.

"WOOOW! What the funky mother bull shrimp is this place, its awesome!" Eli sing sang as I raised an eyebrow and scrunched up my face at his.... interesting vocabulary.

"I'm guessing its the arena- Look there's Emerald! And.... Loyalty?" I questioned rather then said, as I crossed my arms. Eli came to stand beside me as he pushed his glasses further up his nose.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the little she-hunter. Are you training for the first time? If so, why don't I help you could use a sparring partner!" Loyalty chuckled as he showed his achromatic teeth to me.

I took a step back as Emerald butted in. "You cannot spar against her yet, she doesn't even know the three rules!" Loyalty growled and rounded on Emerald.

"Well then my dear Emma, she isn't fit to be Dragon Hunter." He turned towards Me as Eli quickly ran to Moon. "I am the only one worthy of that amulet. Ive spent my whole life training to inherit it and yet it chose you, a useless little girl and her special companion"

And of course as Eli had perfect timing he began spewing rainbows onto the floor. Moon -startled- set fire to Eli's hair and Emerald began trying to put it out.

Loyalty shook his head as he turned to me and pounced pinning me to the floor. He growled before he roared loudly, defining me. I blinked away painful tears and slowly sat up as Loyalty vanished.

My breaths where ragged as I looked at Emerald, Moon and Eli. They where still struggling to put his hair out... Might as well help!

-Time skip brought to you by Eli singing 'Burn'-

My back ached and my ears where still ringing. I had cuts on several parts of my body thanks to flying axes. My hair now has split ends and is an inch shorter thanks to my hair catching fire after I tried to help Eli. And I was covered in several bruises thanks to me not being able to control the wings on my armour.

"Come on (Y/n) lets go home!" Eli said as he hook an arm around mine, as he smiled brightly at me and dragged me away from Moon and Emerald.

"Ok, Ok, I need to get to Jim's around now anyway-" Eli stopped and pulled me to look at him.

"Why?" Eli squinted his eyes accusingly as I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"He's going to tutor me in history as I never can pay attention to Mr. Strickler." I pulled Eli along with me as I once again dodged the fountain of colour full water.

"..... OK!" Eli said as we both smiled at each other and skipped off into the sunset.



Anyway a big thank you and shout out to Tabii_with_one_eye for being so supportive and for suggesting the name for Loyalty. DO be sure to show them a lot of love!

Wiggidy, Wiggidy, over and out, Chaw!!


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