Jim X Reader Soulmate Au Pt.3

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(Y/n) POV

Ben, Aiden, Claire, Toby, Jim and I were sitting together in my room waiting for Emma and Moon to show up so we could begin celebrating my miraculous recovery.
"Anybody up for truth or dare?" Claire asked as sveral agreements were heard.
"No thanks guys, I'm good. Trush or dare makes me feel uncomfortable." I said sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck.
"It's alright (Y/n), if you don't want to play you can watch." Ben smiled, he has short scruffy blue hair and eyes greener than grass behind chunky glasses. He always wore dungarees. It was an unusual look but it suited him none the less.
Smiling in relief I relaxed next to Jim and listened as the game began. A couple of questions in I heard the door bell ring, so I got up and walked downstairs to Greet my friends.
"Hello Moon, hey Emma, you guys OK?" I smiled letting them walk past me with a high five.
Emma was Ben's brother, you could tell from the forest green eyes and the twin glasses that she adjusted on her nose. A streak of green decorated her embony hair and she always had these lovely summer dresses on. The one she wore to the party looked like the sky at twilight.
Moon on the other side had a dark complexion as well as the most piercing electric green eyes you'd ever see. Ben and Emma had gentle, dark green, while Moon had a green that resembled a cat. She wore a black hoody and she always had adorable cat ears on her head.
"mhm," Moon gave me a cheeky grin. "I'm well thank you (Y/n)" Emma had a backpack in her hands and she was leading Moon up the stairs.
"Careful, they're playing a game of truth or dare up there!" I hollered, quickly heading to my colourful kitchen to grab some refreshments and food. Unsurprisingly, when my mom had found out that I was no longer colour blind she took me shopping and we filled the house toe to toe with beautiful colours. Everywhere, but one place.
"Who's hungry?" I exclaimed as I opened the door careful not to spill anything.
"Here." Jim offered as he took the food out of my hands making balancing the tray a lot easier.
"Thanks, Lucky." I Kised Jim's cheek abd grinned, handing every one their drinks and settling down in a circle on my white carpet.
"Careful not to spill anything guys, I don't want to ruin my carpet." I warned causing everyone to agree and gingerly sip their drinks.
"Hey, (N/n)? " (nick name) Toby asked as I looked to him as everyone suddenly went silent. "Why don't you have anything colourful in your room?" Toby asked as I glanced around the room for a moment thinking carefully about my reply.
"... I guess, because it makes me feel more comfortable. Don't get me wrong, I adore being able to see all of these different colours--but it gets a bit overwhelming sometimes. I'd lived in black and white, I wasn't used to anything else, and I didn't really care that I couldn't see colour because I didn't know what I was missing out on in the first place. And sometimes, just sometimes I imagine everything in black and white when I'm anxious." my explanation was longer than I had anticipated, but do my pleasant surprise everyone was listening and looked shocked.
It amused me slightly that nobody was expecting a reply like that.

"Wow, (Y/n) that was..." Aiden began at a loss for words. "heartfelt." Ben finished with a smile. Everyone agreed.

"You know (Y/n), Jim had a case of colour blindness--not black and white, but he couldn't distinguish certain colours or see certain things." "Like had trouble distinguishing colours?" I added, looking at Jim curiously. Jim nodded curious as well as confused. Moments passed and my friends began breaking off and chatting ymongst themselves. Realization dawned on me as i sat up straighter.

"OK guys, you enjoy the party, I'm going to take Lucky outside for a minute." I stated quickly, grabbing Jim and gently leading him into the corridor.

"Woah (Y/n) what's this about?" Jim questioned quietly a blush visible on his pale skin.
"us." I stated simply causing his cheeks to go redder and Jim to rub the back of his neck.
"Have you ever heard of the term 'soulmates'." I questioned a playful smirk on my features. Jim nodded, yes.
"Did your colour blindness miraculously cure itself, the day when you met me? Because mine did, and I had some nasty headaches to accommodate it." I chuckled. Jim's eyes widened as he took a step back, taking everything in.
"cases of colour blindness don't just dissapere. But you do see some increadibly rare cases where two people came to have a similar medical condition that was incurable until the met one another. And do you know what they called those cases?" I questioned looking Jim in the eyes. His pale blue eyes resembling that of his name sake: a lake.
"Soulmate cases?" Jim questioned as I beamed and nodded.
"You're my Soulmate, and I'm yours. Or so I hope. Listen Jim I really, really like you. And I feel drawn to you. It's indescribable-" "Like magic has anchored itself to your soul and knotted itself around mine, pulling them together." Jim spoke soflty, making my heart leap and my stomach flutter.
"No wonder why you won the part for Romeo on Tuesday, you have a way with words Lucky." I joked causing Jim to roll his eyes.
"I like you too (Y/n), you're my guardian angel." My face lit up and I giggled quietly, flattered by the statement.
(I am dying from how cringy this is, only for you dear readers.)
He leaned forward nervously, his hands visibly shaking as I took his hand in mine and leaned forward to gently press a second long kiss to his lips. Needless to say I felt accomplished when I left him in a dazed state.
"Come back into my room when you're ready Lucky, I'm going to see if anybody wants to play card games. We'll talk kn more depth when their aren't people around to get suspicious."

"I'm coming now,Angel."

A/n- I apologise for two reasons:

One, this is a crap oneshot and two, because it was delayed.

This chapter was requested, I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted but I'm finishing this quite late at night.

Wiggidy, Wiggidy over and out, Chaw!!
-Blue 💙

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