1: The Parks

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*8 months ago*

Byun Baekhyun is running the fastest he can to his home. He's sweating too much, and his bag was not properly zipped but he doesn't really care about it. All he knows is that he needs to go home fast. He needs to be there. His mother needs him the most.

Another turn at the alley and he was finally able to see their house. He stopped running the moment he saw the heartbreaking scene in front of his eyes.

His mother was crying as she put their clothes inside the bags that were thrown outside their house. Oh, but it's not their house anymore.

"Please. Just one more month! I promise I'll pay for rent. Please. M-my son. We've got nowhere to go!" Baekhyun's heart broke even more as he heard his mother's cries.

"One more month?! You'll pay?!" The grumpy old man laughed. "You've been saying that for five months already! I've given you so much time! I'm sorry but, business is business."

"P-please" Baekhyun hugged his mother.

"Mom, stop it already, okay. It's fine. We can figure this out together, okay?" He calmly said while combing his mother's hair using his hands.

"Son, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, really. I'm sorry I'm your mom. I'm so useless-"

"No. No don't ever say that. Mom, you're the best mom ever okay? Please stop crying and stop blaming yourself. It was never your fault." Baekhyun comforted his mother.

"Now, let's figure this out together, okay?" As he flashed his infamous eye smile.

Baekhyun's happy glow remained visual despite of the scenario they are in right now. He's still positive and his smile never left his face. But, whether he deny it or not, deep inside him was broken and hurt.

How could someone do this to his mother?!

Why is life so difficult for them?!

What are they gonna do now?!

Where will they stay?!

Can they still survive?!

Baekhyun must admit that negativity is starting to spread to his system, but he's still trying to win it over.

Three backpacks (including his school bag), two luggage filled with clothes (one for his mother and another for him) and his late father's blue box is all they have.

They are walking side to side, still thinking of where to spend the rest of the night. A public sauna would do, but their money is just enough to buy them a cup of ramen each. They literally are broke.

"Mom, why are we here? Can we stay here?" Baekhyun asked his mother as they stopped in front of the restaurant where his mother works as a dishwasher.

"I don't know, son. But, I really couldn't think of anywhere else to go." His mother answered him.

"It's fine with me then. If your boss allows us to stay here for a while, I'd be more than willing to work in return." Baekhyun smiled.

"No, baby. I promised I won't let you work, right? Mom can do this for the both of us. At least until you graduate in college." As his mother returned the smile.

Baekhyun refused to argue about it anymore. Instead, he just pulled his mother for a hug.

"I promise I'll repay all the hard work you did for me, Mom. Yours and Dad's." And he kissed his mother's forehead.

"Stop it. You're making me cry already." His mother not-so-jokingly said.


As they entered the kitchen through the backdoor, they were welcomed by his mother's busy workmates. They stood there for about five minutes without being noticed by anyone. As it was almost 8 pm, some employees were already preparing to go home. That's when the head chef finally noticed their presence.

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