44: Forgive Yourself

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Triple update. Hihi :3


Chanyeol woke up feeling his head cracking from the inside. He tried remembering the events that happened and sulked automatically upon remembering which caused him to drink his sanity out.


He sighed lifelessly as he felt another tear escaping his eyes. Wiping them, he stood up from his bed to head into the kitchen and grab anything edible. He hasn't eaten since morning and getting drunk with an empty stomach isn't quite of an advisable thing to do. He walked into his kitchen and was welcomed by an unfamiliar view.

Unfamiliar, because Baekhyun never cooks.

But yeah, it was the view of Baekhyun, busying himself with burning Chanyeol's kitchen.

As he stared at Baekhyun's back, he couldn't help but get confused of what's just happening right now.

Why is Baekhyun in here?

He's supposed to be at home.

He's supposed to be away fro--

And just as he was about to utter his ex' name, Baekhyun turned around with his nose scrunching, face stressed of whatever it is he's burni—err—cooking in the pan.

"Oh! You're up already!" Baekhyun said. "Go sit down while I'm trying to.. uhm.. Cook us dinner?" He continued, unsure.

Chanyeol couldn't take it and asked the only question he could think of right now. "W-Why are you here?"

As if expecting Chanyeol to react this way, Baekhyun's smile faltered a bit and tried reasoning "I'm here to check up on you, of course-"

"Yeah but why?" Chanyeol asked. Don't get him wrong. He sure as hell love seeing Baekhyun right now, but he can't help but get scared of what's running in the latter's mind.

No! He can't just forgive Chanyeol and go. He can't just take the pain and live with it for the sake of staying with Chanyeol.

Baekhyun needs to save himself.

He shouldn't be here.

When Baekhyun failed to answer, Chanyeol sighed. "Baekhyun, listen. We already bro--"

"No!" Baekhyun is fast to dismiss. "No Chanyeol. You suggested a break up but I never accepted it. Now shut up, sit down and let's eat first before sorting things up. An empty stomach is an empty mind. And an empty mind brings empty conversations."

Chanyeol just sighed with Baekhyun's words as he sat down and watched his beloved man return his attention to whatever that's frying on the pan.

"I can only cook hotdogs. We'll have hotdogs for dinner, don't even complain." Baekhyun glared at him before serving them with his not-so-badly fried specialty.

Their dinner was quiet. Both allowing themselves to think. None of them had spoken, for even Baekhyun wasn't sure of what to say, or at least how to start the conversation. The only thing he's sure of is the fact that he's determined to fix this up, and even if Chanyeol is still doubting, he'll make sure he keeps his stand—for the sake of both their relationship and their baby.

The dinner was over and both can't escape what's supposed to be done. They remained sitting on the small dining table after Chanyeol put the plates and utensils on the sink and wiped the table clean. Baekhyun was quiet, allowing Chanyeol to speak up first. And so, the taller did.

"B-Baek.. You shouldn't be here."

"Why?" He asked nonchalantly. "Am I banned here already?"

"Wha-- no! J-just.." Chanyeol sighs. "Please just--"

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