Chapter: 21

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"Forget what hurt you, but Never forget what it taught you."  ~Author


While we were eating, I heard the doorbell ring. Gio's face turned somber quickly as his head turned at the sound of the door. Everyone was in the house and no one knew where we were.

"Stay here." He commanded. Long gone was my sweet loving Gio, replaced with the Mafia man in front of me. He pulled a drawer open in the far corner of the cabinet and pulled out a gun. I looked at it puzzled. Did they have guns hiding everywhere in the house. That wasn't safe fro the kids. I will have to talk to him about that later.

He walked out the kitchen and down the hallway. the gun pointed to the door. The security camera was shut off, which was odd.

I followed him obviously not listening to him to stay in the kitchen. He moved swiftly towards the door and stood aside it placing his back flush against the wall. He waited 3 seconds and then swiftly unlocking it and pulling it open, gun blaring at the person outside. 

Now onto the story


Leena Pov~

Giovanni froze abruptly his gun still aiming at the intruder. I stepped out from behind him and saw who it was.  My jaw slacked immediately. ClaraGiovanni's ex lover. 

She stood there with a smirk on her face. She looked content with Gio's reaction, like it satisfied every craving in her body. Which pissed me off instantly! What is she even doing here? Isn't she supposed to be in a asylum somewhere? 

Okay maybe not an asylum but definitely in New York and NOT Italy! In a prison! Under lock and supervision! 

"'Vanni its been a while sweetheart." Her revolting "sweet" voice came out as she tilted her head to the side. My blood began to boil from then. I glanced at Gio and he was stuck so i did the only thing I could at the moment. 

"Nope." I said and pushed Gio back a bit and slammed the door in her face. I turned around to look at the mad man as he seemed to snap out of his gaze. My face contorted to an angry one which he picked up on and tried to come closer but I blocked and stepped away. 

"I'm going to get my brother." I murmured as he sighed and gave me a pleading look, but I just walked away and up the stairs. I tried to calm my angry marches but it wasn't working. How could he react like that. Like he just met the love of his life, the person he's been waiting for his entire life! 

I grunted and knocked loudly on Adriano and Gia's door. I didn't barge in because most likely their naked and I'm already scarred from the last time I did that. 

A couple seconds later the door swung open and out came a angry faced Adriano, his reaction changed to worry as soon as he saw my face. "What's wrong?" He asked. 

"We have a visitor." I gritted out. He walked back into the room and came back a few moments later with a shirt on and Gianna trailing behind him.  He took the lead down the stairs with us following him. "Who is it?" Gia asked. 

"You'll see?" I murmured. We rounded the corner and saw Gio leaning against the wall his gun still in his hand, his head shot up as he heard us approaching. "Giovanni. Who is it?" Adriano asked. 

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