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We all see the sun. We've all seen the light. We know what is good and what is bright.
What if we didn't see a sunrise every morning? What if the world stopped at this moment in time? What if every day we woke up to the moon instead of the sun. Why does the world revolve around the light? Why can't it be dark all the time? What are we doing to make the world a brighter place? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. We have done nothing with our lives up until this point. We have done nothing to make the earth better. I do community service almost every day but it helps only so many. Anyone can help a few people in their community, but it takes a village to feed a nation. It's going to take an army to fight a war and it's going to take one life to touch a few lives. It's going to take a broadcast to show millions that one thing can change the world. One sunrise and raise millions. One man can change the world. One sun can raise a nation. One life can touch millions. It only takes one moment to change the perspective of others. One.

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