Chapter 2: eviction notice

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I was dead, I was so dead. I mean, I always doubted I had actually escaped The Man with Long Teeth and I really saw this coming but-- fuck-- I felt horrible. Last night I ran back home almost crying as I ran, but then began to weep my eyes out when I stopped to catch my breath. I felt horrible because I knew I would probably die very soon. I was completely fucked.

My dad dropped me off for school at usual spot which was the entrance to Merklie Park, before speeding away in his black camero. I wished my dad dropped me off in front of the school instead of here more often because I think his car gave people the impression we were really rich or something. That is to say we aren't, and that car ate up a whole lot of money. Of course my dad would never give it up to save money, he loves that car because it looks a little like the batmobile. When he was a kid he'd always blow out candles or snap a wishbone asking to have the batmobile. And that is just the truth.

Merklie Park was in between the road and my school— Haney Ridge Secondary. There were quite a few patches in the park occupied by these big Canadian pine trees. Those were the areas where skids went to vape or even smoke pot. You didn't even have to know that by someone telling you or seeing it for yourself; it was pretty obvious by the graffiti that spelt "THAI HOOTS ♡" around the area. Speaking of graffiti in Merklie Park, I had made my own mark last year which were the words "PRETTIEST GIRL IN THE MORGUE" in permanent marker. Ironically enough, I drew that before this shit-storm I was in now even started. Walking past it made me think of simpler times, I smiled even though I was bitter.

As one could easily predict, I could hardly focus in class. Not that I didn't do that all the time, but today was like-- well okay here's a strange analogy for it: imagine being doused in the nastiest, eye watering, chemical reeking perfume. You could try to ignore it, but every time you would breathe you were reminded of the nastiness that was all over you. That's what I felt like pretty much. I almost wanted to go home. However, being alone was like one of the worst things I could do in this time. Believe me.

So instead of being a stupid idiot I went onto my next class, English. I was actually looking forward to this class because there was a chance it could make me feel little more like myself. It wasn't because of the actual class, I wasn't that big of a nerd, okay? It was because English was one of the classes I had with my other best friend. She was always there before me whenever I arrived. I smiled from this proving to be true once again, spotting her head of silvery blonde hair amidst the others. Her name was Jaymie. Unlike Kenzie who I had known since kindergarten, Jaymie and I met at the start of high school. The thing was, 'met' was an understatement. She and I dated in the eight grade.

It was the classic story of "we dated because we were both queer" with a touch of actual attraction. Eventually, I realized that we just didn't work as being together like that, even after all the times we made out in the girl's change room. I had actually been so scared to break up with her. Not because I feared that she'd take revenge on me, but that we wouldn't talk to each other anymore. And the worst part is, that actually ended up happening for awhile. It's funny how it was mostly my fault since I was worried that Jaymie was into me even after we broke up, so I didn't want to hang around her rubbing in the fact that I wasn't in love with her. I guess it took me so long to talk about it with Jaymie because I didn't wanna seem full of myself, if that makes any sense. I had told her something along the lines of what I just explained, but I made it super clear that I wanted to be her friend again more than anything. Because I did, I really did.

Jaymie was a really great girl.

As I sat down next to her I began to say, "y'know, today I was thinking, if I ever did weed, what would happen to my defective heart?"

She put her phone down and replied calmly, "If you had an edible you would probably be absolutely fucked up."

"Instantaneous fatality."

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