Twisted ch-6

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Authors note- thanks everybody who has been falling for the story I think this is my favorite chapter yet COMMENT what you think so far and VOTE!!!!


Chapter 6 Daniel pov

Wow, did she just yell at me. Why. What the hell have I done? No wonder she acts alone. She just pushes people away from her. Shes so beautiful though. I pull into my driveway and head into my house. It feels good to be home. I'm starving! I grab a blood bag from the fridge and sit on my couch. Piercing the bag with my teeth and drinking the blood, made me feel relaxed.

I need to forget about Rebecca. She probably hates me. I want to be with her right now. Holding her in my arms. Running my fingers through her hair. Making her smile and laughing. Oh god her smell was intoxicating, her perfect frame. The way her eyes would change.

I feel a connection with her that I've never felt before. I've lived an long time but never felt this. I feel responsible for her, and protecting her. Yet, I knew she would never love me for who I am. She wants me to be the guy she never had to fill her pain and void and be just a normal teenage boy. Not a vampire.

I don't want to fail her. I feel my eyelids slowly falling. Letting out a yawn I slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake up around six. I put on my skull shirt and leather jacket, with some faded jeans. I need to get out.

I need to visit Vladimir, my main vampire guy. I haven't seen him all month.

He lived two hours away, but I don't care I enjoy the long car rides.

I arrive at Vladimir's mansion. I pull into the long drive way. Vladimir runs out of the house to greet me.

"Hello pr..." I cut him off.

"How many times did I tell you to call me Daniel." Vladimir laughs.

"I've missed you friend. Come inside." I follow him into his living room. A huge fireplace sits on the other side of the entrance. "Oh Daniel, I've found my girl. The one I've searched years for. She's on her way right now. Oh she'll be like a queen to me." I chuckle. He can be so dramatic.

"Do you mean your next donor?" I ask knowing him keeping a girl around for fun never happens. Vladimir lets out a sigh, and nods.

"Well stay for dinner and we can have a sip of her blood for a desert, before you head back." It sounds delightful, but he's been searching for this girl for years and no way am I going to ruin that for him.

"I don't want to impose, so I might just go." I get up. I say goodbye and walk to my car. I drive off. I pass one of Vladimir's cars. That must be the girl. I get a whiff I a familiar scent, but I was too hungry to figure out what the smell was. I pull my phone out and dial my house maid.

"Hello Daniel?" Thea has worked for me for years.

"I want a type O one, in my room by the time I get home." I say in a dark and twisted voice.

"Yes sir, is that everything." Thea asks.

"Thank you and yes. Make sure she doesn't leave. I should be home in an hour." I hang the phone up and step on the gas. Well I'm glad Vladimir has found his girl. He's been dying to get her.

I make it home, I walk into the house. I let Thea know he can go home early tonight. She thanks me and leaves. I hear crying in my bed room.

I slowly open the door, and find a girl tied to a chair. Her eyes were innocent, but she smelled of whiskey. Like someone had spilled it on her. She hadn't drank any of it though. As soon as she saw me she relaxed. Oh girl. If you only knew.

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