Chapter 3

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I am so sorry for not uploading earlier. I didn't have that much inspiration to write this chapter at first, and then when I had it done, I was too lazy to edit xD But anyways, Here it is! I want tot hank all the new fans! Thank you everybody who has commented, voted, added, fanned, and for reading this story xD :') Thank you lots!

I dont own one direction, just leaving that clear just in case. No one knows what could happen xDD

Video is funny and during half the story you'll se why it goes with the chapter ;)


Beep. Beep. Beep.

I heard my alarm clock make noise the next morning. Still sleepy and half-conscious of my actions, I unplugged it and kept sleeping.

"Love, gimme love, gimme love, I don't need it But I'll take what I want from your heart and I'll keep it In a bag, in a box, put an X on the floor Gimme more, gimme more, gimme more, shut up and sing it with me Na, na, n-" I then put off my cell phone alarm, and cuddled more to my warm pillow, trying to take off from where I was in my dream.

"WAKE UP YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" Okay, I wasn't expecting that ringtone for the next alarm. Suddenly scared by the noise, I felled off the bed.

"Uff!" I heard from below me. I was still half asleep so I didn't find it strange to hear the floor talk. So this was just something normal.

"Sorry floor. I didn't mean to fall." I mumbled with my eyes closed and cuddled to the unusually comfortable and warm floor. I yawned a little and resumed my beauty sleep without any more interruptions.

I dreamed of gummy bears. Sweet, tasty, chewy, mouth-watering gummy bears. I was in GummyBearLand, where everything was made of them. They all ran along the sidewalk, singing happy songs and inviting me for a cup of tea. Me, more than willing, followed behind. After the pleasant tea, and the unfortunate and yummy death of a bear, they decided to take me to their king. I had expected a gianourmous Gummy Bear, but instead, there was a man. He had his back to me and was wearing a crown that covered his hair, so I could identify him like that. I cleared my throat and as he noticed my presence, he began to turn and faced me. He was-

"HARRY!!!" A voice screamed and made me wake up with a jolt. I know I saw the king's face, but I couldn't remember. Damn it for not being able to remember every detail of the dreams I had.

"Harry, where are you?" I heard the same voice shout again. Who's Harry?

"Harold Edward Styles! We have a chick waiting for you in the kitchen!" I heard again. What the heck? Who was calling a celebrity in my house? For all I know, he must live in UK, not little St. Louisville, Florida. And who was that person calling Harry? It felt strangely famili-

I mentally slapped myself. How could I have forgot what happened yesterday?! I scolded myself for that dumb moment. One Direction was at my house, and I forgot. God, I'm becoming like Alana each passing day, with her fan girl moments and all.

Then the strangest thing happened. The floor chuckled and rumbled a little against me. But that wasn't all; it grew arms that were cuddling me nearer. I didn't remember that the floor felt this warm and like soft baby skin. Was I going mad? Or was I still too sleepy and was just having hallucinations?

I opened my eyes slowly in case there was going to be something scary in front of me. I expected lots of things but not this. I was cuddled to 'effin Harry Styles. And he wasn't wearing a t-shirt. I don't know why but I searched for his eyes and they instantly met mines. He had a sly smile in his lips that reached his beautiful eyes. Oh and by the record, I can call anyone I want beautiful and compliment him or her, not actually meaning, in the case of men, that I like them or anything.

Some place of my mind wanted to hear a pleasant good morning and a kiss on the forehead, in a brotherly way ;). But things in life not always go the way we want or expect them to be. Instead, he just kind of ruined any chances that he might have gotten with me. Not that he had any in the first place, I added mentally for self-assurance.

"Falling for me already I see," he said while wiggling his eyebrows in a sexy way. Everything about him screamed arrogant and egocentric.

I shit him playfully in the shoulders. "Could you please let go of me? I don't cuddle with self-centered guys," I said smugly.

That seemed to take him by surprise and he instantly let go of me.

"Shot me out to the sky, you're my kryptonite, you keep making me weak, yeah frozen and can't breath.

Something’s gotta give now, cause I'm dying just to make you see That I need you here with me now 'Cause you've got that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my head And fall into my arms instead..."

I heard my cell phone ring and I instantly knew that it was Alana. If I was correct, she was the one to put that ring tone for when she called. I stood up from the floor with my back all stiff and walked to my nightstand. I took the phone in my hands and the caller ID said Alana, and I noticed that it was barely 8:00 am. Wow, it felt like more.

"Wax up bitch!" I said against the speaker. That was a kind of personal joke between us. I was once texting her and the stupid "autocorrector" had put "wax up bitch". It was so funny that every time she calls me, I answer like that.

"My boss asked me to enter two hours later. I was wondering if I could stop by your place for a while, you know, since you're leaving tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, tomorrow morning." I walked to my closet and looked for something casual to wear today.

"Yeah so, I wanted to spend a little time with you before you leave. I'm gonna miss you buddy!" I heard her cry.

"Shhhh. Don't cry now baby! Cry when you're here so that I can cry too."

She sniffed her nose and only a small sob remained. "Kay. I'll be there in forty minutes. Is that alright?"

"Sure. Take all your time. I just woke up so I'll take a while. See ya' later."

"Okay, bye-bye!"

I hanged up and exited the closet with some cream-colored shorts and a blue shirt that had a Carrot being pealed and it was screaming "You Monster!!” It was pretty hilarious. (a/n: I saw that shirt in Sears and it was so cool! But I couldn't buy it ‘cause the sizes were to big or too small, and the one that was my size had a stain and my mom said no :[ ). I took some sandals I had lying around and saw that Harry now instead of being in the floor he was on my bed and still without a shirt. Were the pajamas of my brother uncomfortable? Oh right, he had a thing with being naked. At least he was only half-naked and not completely.

“My friend Alana is coming in forty minutes so go get dressed and tell the other guys to do the same,” I said to him as I went to the bathroom to change.

I closed the bathroom door and dressed myself as quickly as I could. I still couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that I was freaking touring with One Direction. With famous people, crazy people, who happen to be all guys. Who the hell kidnapped my parents and brainwashed them? Either that or they really trust me. I tried to remember what happened in my dream a while before. Was it a subconscious message or something? I always got weird dreams with hidden messages. Shaking that out of my mind, I brushed my hair in a high ponytail and put on a small blue flower pin I found next to the sink. I inspected myself up and down and smiled at my appearance. I didn’t want to put anything on my face today so I let my face just look natural with only a clear lip-gloss. I left the bathroom in such a hurry that I did not realize that Harry was waiting for me outside and we hit, falling to the floor in the process.

"Falling down for me again I see," he said as he moved his eyebrows in a seductive manner. I noticed that he was now wearing a white t-shirt with a black blazer, black pants and black Vans. Someone of their crew most have stopped early to bring them clothes. Oh right, that was why Liam was at the phone before bed.

“Were you spying on me?” I asked him in a playful way. I pushed my arms against his chest and stood up. I offered my hand with a smug smile on my face and helped him get up too.

“I was here to let you know that we’re all ready and that your mom is calling us to go to breakfast,” he answered casually while texting someone, clearly ignoring my previous question.

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” I said. I took his arms, intertwined it with mine and ran all the way downstairs. We made it to the kitchen in less than thirty seconds, and a little out of breath. Well, little might as well be an understatement here.

“We… seriously need… to make more… exercise,” Harry said out of breath while clutching his chest.

“There you are! A few more minutes, and you two wouldn’t have any pancakes to eat!” Mom said from the stove. My dad and the rest of the band were all eating in the dinning room, which was next to the kitchen without a wall separating it. Mom flipped four or five pancakes and put them on a big white plate in the counter.

“Good morning everyone!” I said cheerfully.

“Gaahhhdmoourrgighmg,” Niall said with his mouth full of food. Everyone else eyed with humor on their eyes and said good morning too.

“Munch, swallow, then talk,” Liam said next to him. He and Zayn finished eating and took their plates to the kitchen to wash them. Harry and I then sat at the table and waited patiently for our breakfast.

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