Chapter 5

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Two chapters in the same week?! WHAT!?! Yes, you are reading good, two chapters for the price of one... x) Yes, I am crazy and I am concious of that :P Anyways, I had this ready, and I felt like Isabella when she let Harry sleep in her room, so here's another one :D

Do you guys like the new cover I made? :D

Anywho, here it is!! :D

(The song lyrics I think that go a little with this chapter x))



The night before we left for England, Alana sent me lots of text messages, giving me some "advise". Instead, she made me be more scared than I already was. She kept saying to not fall asleep during the plane or the car ride, or else I was sure to wake up with a big surprise, and not the good kind. She said that in one of their interviews, they said that if either of them felled asleep, that person was literally fucked up. And I don't think I'll be an exception to that. Even less with Louis around, wanting DOUBLE revenge on me. One for the punch in the gut for not sharing my gummy bears, and the second one because of the water I threw inside his boxers. The only one I had in my side was Harry, and he wasn't that trustworthy sometimes. I could pick Liam since he's Daddy Directioner, but I don't think he has forgiven me yet because of the spoon with Nutella...

I'm doomed, I thought to myself while hitting my face with the pillow.

"Why are you hitting yourself?" Harry asked from the floor in his sleeping bag. Since Louis was still planning the revenge and not letting Harry sleep, I let him sleep here with me again.

"Nothing, just ignore me," I mumbled in a tiny voice.

"You're nervous about this 15 months thing right?" He asked with humor in his voice.

"I'm actually frightened of the airplane and car ride. I swear that Alana isn't helping," I said frustrated. I moved my position so that I could look to the floor and into his strange colored eyes. "She keeps saying 'Don't fall asleep or they'll make a prank',” I tried to say imitating her voice. “ I'm doomed!" I threw my face into the pillow again. My breathing started to quicken because of the very though of tomorrow, and it was hard to get air with my face pressed to the pillow.

I felt my bed move and his hand brushed some of my hair with his long fingers in a comforting way. I usually don't let people touch my hair but I let it pass this time. His fingers caressing my hair felt really nice. When they left my scalp it left a tingling sensation, and the only way to stop it was when he touched it again. It was very soothing. Soon enough, my breathing calmed. I moved my face and looked at him once more. His body was very close to mine. I sat Indian-style and directed my eyes to his.

"Don't worry; I won't let them do anything to you." He grinned and placed his hand above mine in a reassuring manner. His hand felt hot compared to my cold one because of my nerves.

I moved closer to him and hugged him. It took him by surprise at first but then hugged back. His body felt really nice against mine, it gave me security and reassurance. It made me feel safe and protected. He was only wearing shorts and he had his chest bared.

"Thank you Harry," I whispered back at him. He rested his face between my hair and shoulders and I felt him smile. I barely knew him for what, two days? But I knew that we could become best friends. So far, he was being nice towards me, and he was pretty hilarious. He could be my new partner in crime, if Louis didn’t mind. I heard those two had a severe case of bromance, if not something else, if you know what I mean. Larry Stylingson, which sure was something. These lads sure have some funny, and also good, fans.

I guess we must have felled asleep instantly after the hug. We woke up cuddled to each other once the alarm clock rang in the room. His chest was pressed against my back and his arms were around my waist holding me to him. If someone saw us like this, they were probably going to think we were a couple, not that we were anyways. Fortunately, no one came into the room while we were like that. Discovery of the day: Harry Styles is not a morning person, and it took me ten full minutes to make him move an arm, an arm! Can you believe this? Ignoring him after all my attempts, I left him on the bed and went to shower. I decided to dress in something comfortable for the long flight; it was going to take most of the day. I dressed in some black jeans, black boots, a long-sleeved red blouse, and wore a matching white, black and red hoodie just in case. I figured that maybe once we landed in either New York or London, the first thing that might greet me was going to be the cold.

I was completely ready and Harry was still sleeping. Ughh! I had to wake him up but nothing worked! I could throw him iced water like Louis, but that would wet my bed and loose the only person than might protect me if I felled asleep during this trip. What else... Ah ha! But no, that's way too risky. You can't possibly do that Isabella, my mind tried to reason with me. Yeah call me crazy, but everyone has that little nagging voice in the head. I could do it, but when he wakes up, what’s next? "Oops, sorry!" yeah right. If I said that afterwards I would sound like a bimbo. And why the heck did I come with this crazy idea to kiss him so that he wakes up?! It's not like I like him or anything. I got it now! Yes, this will surely work, I thought. It had too. And it wasn't going to be as bad as kissing him. He was a womanizer after all; this was definitely going to work on him. It might make him a little angry then, but it was better than the iced water.

I took the bed covers and threw them to the floor. He rolled a little around the bed looking for them but then just gave up and hugged himself, eyes still closed. Awe, he looked so cute like that. I mentally slapped myself for getting distracted. Focus Isabella. It would be perfect if the sun just hit his face but since it was four am, the sun wasn’t getting out until an hour more. I breathed in and out, and started the mission "Wake Sleeping Beauty". I rolled him so that he was completely on his back against the bed. I quickly put on flaming-red lipstick and went to him.

I sat on top off him, a little below his abdomen not touching anything I might regret later. I kissed his cheek and neck, leaving a mark there. He still didn't move. I began to trace my fingers across his muscular chest, up and down in a slow motion. He stirred a little but nothing more. I then moved a little closer and did the same but with his face, starting behind his ears, neck, eyes, nose and lips. They felt so soft against my fingertips...

"Don't do that..." He whispered against my fingers in a husky and deep voice. Success. He grabbed my left wrist and opened his still sleepy eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Waking you up," I said with a smirk.

"I like this way of waking up. But I think that there's still something missing so that it can be perfect," he said seductively.

"Yeah you're right," I got closer to his face, only a few centimeters away from each other. I could literally feel his breath against my face.  "And that's you fully clothed and down, getting ready for our long flight."

I jumped from the bed and started to hurry him around like I was a captain and he the rookie soldier. Hahaha, this was so entertaining. Where was a camera when I needed it? His face was priceless. It went from interested and a little of lust, to shocked and slightly angry. Oh oh, this most likely wasn't good for me, but I had no other choice.

He was still so sleepy that he did not noticed that he still had the lipstick marks on his check and neck until the boys started to laugh downstairs. I explained them what I did and why, and they were laughing uncontrollably. All Harry did was glare. And I didn’t like that one bit.

I said good-bye to mom and dad with tears in my eyes. Two more pieces torn apart from me. I never got away from them neither. It felt like my first week of school as a child. I cried some because I wanted to be with mom, but eventually I got used to not having her at school. I guess this was going to be the same thing in a way.

The boys got my entire luggage into a taxi van we were taking and departed. The car ride was not that bad. Okay scratch that, it was HORRIBLE. The taxi man almost kicked us out into the highway, but hesitated from doing it because it was One Direction. The guys were singing and dancing inside the van uncontrollably. I was squished between Niall and Harry in the back of the van, and Louis, Liam and Zayn were in front of us. When one of their songs came on the radio, it was chaotic. The van was literally moving sideways because of the boys moving to one side and to the other.

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