Chapter 9

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Hello again readers! How are you? I am very happy! You wanna know why? Well, its because this story, as in right now when I'm uploading, it has 2,667 read and 120 votes! I feel like crying right now... :') Thank you all a lot! :D This story is dedicated to thewhitedoragurl because when I went to my news and saw that she added my story to a very funny library in her profile (THE BEST FUCKING STORYS EVER! (: ) it mde me very happy! Thank you for thinking that and that is why this chapter is dedicated to you. Remember, that each time you vote, comment or fan you have the opportunity of getting a dedication (this time I made it slightly different) until I give further notice. If you want me to read your stories send me a private message saying so and I'll read it when I have the spare time. If you just wanna chat with me go on! Don't be shy! I like to talk... a lot. Plus I lke to know what you think of what I'm making here, what I should improve, and so on. Anywho, I'll end this note and let you read on. Gif is kind of something you'll find our further in the chapter... IDK. I think it goes well there xD Since some of the readers might not know of all the songs of 1D (I didnt when I started), there's a link to the song they're gonna sing almost to the end. (Sorry for this large note...) Consider it a reward if you read this that this chapter is longer than the rest... (3,238 words!) :D



“Guys,” I yelled from my room, “I need some help here! I don’t know what to wear!”

I was in my room, the same I had woken up earlier. Since they all had their own rooms, this one was mine, the guests’ room. I was staring at all the clothes I had scattered on top of my bed. I had never in my life visited London, or a place like this. I didn’t know how the weather was, and that was an important element here. It wasn’t like I could just put on some shorts, a t-shirt, some flip flops and go running around in the streets. So I just turned upside down my suitcase with clothes to see what could possibly fit for today. No luck so far. I needed Alana for this!

“One Direction to the rescue!” I turned to the door and saw Louis running towards me, with a red cape around his neck. He’s crazy. And just when you think you reached the bottom of that, you find an even crazier underground garage. That definitely described Louis. After him entered Liam and both stood next to me, also staring at my bed with wide eyes.

“So, in what do you need help?” Liam asked unsure.

“I don’t know what kind of clothes to wear since I’ve never been in the London weather,” I answered truthfully.

Louis walked closer to the bed and examined a few of the things I had. He lifted a multicolored sweater, some white jeans and a neon yellow baggy shirt. I didn’t know I owned those, or that I even brought them with me here. “Put on these.” And he smiled at us goofily.

I took hold of Liam’s arm and whispered, "Please help me in this Liam…”

He smiled down at me and patted my head. He walked to the bed and did a better choice of clothing than what Louis could ever do. He lifted a fuchsia long sleeved shirt, some black skinny jeans, and handed them to me. "It's not that cold but you can wear a scarf for that and some gloves. Also put on some boots just in case. It's risky to wear sandals or any high heels for where we're going."

I eyed them closely and thanked the Lord he helped me. "But... How do you know of these things?" I asked impressed. I was a little confused because most guys don't know how to do these things when it came to girls clothing.

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