Chapter 3: We Have History

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Chapter 3: We Have History

September 1st, 2008

The day we met.

My first day of high school was dreadful. Teachers were mean, students were mean, everyone acted like someone shit in their cornflakes. I was just a young immigrant boy in a big city wanting a better education, nothing more, nothing less. It wasn't until the end of my first day did I start appreciating school more.

A pale boy with a mullet of black hair was spray painting a wall in the school yard. It was just a white wall used for kickball and was the only thing aside from the grass field out there. I heard rumors that the high school used to be an elementary school and there was still some remnants of four-square and basketball hoops left lying around.

I watched as the guy sprayed colors all around, curious as to what he was painting. I deadpanned when I saw the message "Mothman is REAL!"

"Can I help you?" He called out, not looking away from his masterpiece.

"Uh just watching..." I responded, "...What's a Mothman?"

He turned to me, fury written all over his face, "Just about the foulest mythological beast out there!" He started drawing on the wall, "He's half moth, half man, and very much real!" He was kind of a dork, but I thought it was cute of him to believe in this fantasy creature.

"Oh, okay..." And with that I was in love.

November 30th, 2008

The day we started dating.

Every other day, Keith and I would hang out at the white wall, vandalizing it to perfection. Keith would usually paint monsters like Bigfoot or some sort of aliens. I would just paint eyes because it was the only thing I thought I was good at drawing. Every time we went back to our wall, it would be painted white again because the school didn't want people to see our graffiti. That didn't stop us from spray painting it repeatedly.

"So..." Keith covered his mouth as he used a bottle of red, "You moved here from Cuba?"

"That's right." I told him almost everything about myself, "Where's your family?"

"Don't have one." He said, "I'm an orphan. They died when I was young."

I frowned looking down awkwardly, "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay." He said, "I think it's okay though... I've got you..."

I blushed pink, "Yeah, we're pretty good friends now, huh?"

"...I don't like that title very much anymore..."

"I don't follow." I was puzzled.

He looked at me straight in the eyes before diving down to kiss me. It was my first kiss, so my heart basically burst out of my chest and my head was buzzing with a million sensations. I was frozen with surprise when he pulled back. We stared at each other, faces flushed.

"A-are we going too fast?"

"No, this is fine." I took his hands in mine, "It's okay."

He kissed each knuckle on my fist, "Good because... I've liked you since forever..."

"Me too." I responded. Little did I know this was just the beginning of my trip down the rabbit hole.

July 25th, 2010

I run away from home.

As we grew older, we started doing worse than just wrecking a wall in the back of our school. We would smash windows of cars, trespass on private property, and even steal booze from liquor stores. I picked up smoking along the way, robbing my dad of cigarettes or using leftovers from the ashtray. My dad smoked a lot, and I started to also. I tried sharing my large cigars with Keith, but he stuck to pot. We never got arrested because my daddy would always get us out somehow.

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