Chapter 7: Chasing

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Chapter 7: Chasing

September 1st ,2010

The day I met Hunk

The beginning of September was always difficult for me to come to terms with after Keith left. I was never going to meet him for the first time ever again. He would be a distant memory for the rest of my life. I started police training right after my father's funeral, which was kind of a bad idea. I had my fair share of mental breakdowns in my first year at the academy. Not only was my heart throbbing in my chest for Keith, but I missed my daddy and I wanted to take back all the things I said to him before he died.

I used to hide in the men's room, locking myself up in a stall and then letting myself have a panic attack. Sometimes I'd cry, sometimes I wouldn't. But on this day, I was a sobbing mess. That is, until someone knocked lightly on the door.

"O-Occupied..." I choked out, gulping down air.

"Hey man, you need anything..? Like, tissues or something?" A gentle voice asked me.

I started laughing through my tears, "You're not gonna tease me for crying in the bathroom?"

"Nah, it's cool. Sometimes you just need a place to cry. And that place can sometimes be a bathroom."

"I-I mean, I guess. I just didn't want to cry in front of my roommate." I opened the door slowly, wiping the wetness from my face, "Lance. Lance Mcclain. I'm usually more enthusiastic than this. But today is a difficult day..."

"Hunk. Not a problem." He shook my hand heartily, "I'll help you get through this so you don't have to cry on the toilet anymore."

August 3rd, 2017

A New Mission

Waking up next to Keith again was a luxury. His relaxed body and rhythmic breathing splayed before me was simply irresistible. All the muscles I once knew were much bigger now and covered in scars and stretchmarks. He was like a marble god made by the greatest Greek sculptor; Straight out of Athens. I pulled the blanket over him a bit more. I could stare at him all day, but that would be weird.

There was a knock at my door and I quickly scrambled to put on a pair of pants, going commando for the time being. I opened it slightly, "Hunk?"

"Hey buddy." The large man gave me his warm smile, "I made you breakfast." He held up a tray topped with scrumptious looking food, "Can I come in?"

"Aw, Hunk, you're so..." I stopped when I remembered who was in my bed, "Hold up, let's not eat here. My room's a catastrophe..." I slipped through the crack and closed the door, "Is there a kitchen we can dine in?"

"Yeah, I was just there a second ago." He moved along and I followed him, "I found a really good recipe for café con leche. I know it's one of your favorites..."

I grinned, "Yeah, my mama used to make it for me all the time!" I could sense my soreness a little more as we walked down the stairs.

We were quiet the rest of the way, which was... Odd... Hunk was usually very talkative in the morning, but not today apparently. We eventually made it to the kitchen and he set the tray down on the table. My first instinct was to go for the coffee. I really loved a good cup of Joe in the morning. Really soothes the soul.

"Lance... I wanna talk to you about something..." He sounded serious, but I didn't pay any mind to it.

"What's up, dude?" I sipped my drink casually.

"Lance, I think... I think I like you as more than a friend..." He gulped and I nearly choked on my hot beverage.

I stared at him before frowning. How come I didn't see this coming? I knew he wouldn't be able to hold it in for much longer, and I KNEW he liked me a lot more than he was letting on. But... I was with Keith now, so I wasn't sure what to do. How the hell was I supposed to break it to him?

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