Oh shiz im in trouble

35 8 33

Before you wonder what's the title about...



I got a free bracelet! And also a Free Dress Day tomorrow! Yeeeeee

But now to explain a title... our Science teacher was absent, but the a sub took over, telling us to answer a thick packet, with the help of a 7th GRADE book, and we're only 6th grade!!! Our science teacher told us so... so we didn't mind at all (actually, we did). But then the sub said that the period was about to end, so I asked if we're gonna take the books with us, but then the sub said "I prefer for you to bring the book" and so, I shoved it in my bag and left!

Ohhhh, but only after the last period was about to end, my classmate told me to put the book back and return it! I was freaking nervous because I knew that it wasn't allowed. So I asked one of my friends if he can run with me to back to the Science room, luckily, he didn't mind. So after the bell rang, we ran to the room as fast as we can, but then... just my luck... the door was closed and locked.


I'm in the deep shiz

So much for my "Crusader Of The Month" award...

At least I got a bracket and a certificate...

... right?

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