X. pluto

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"SO you're telling me that you've been up all night throwing up stars? actual stars?" namjoon looked at jungkook incredulously, shaking his head when the younger nodded faintly. three days had passed since they had first arrived at the hospital, and the ill maknae had finally recovered most of his voice, though it was still scratchy and weak.

then his face grew grave, and the brunette felt a dark shift wash over the room. "and you didn't tell us?"

oh no. jungkook swallowed as his gaze flitted away from the leader's, dodging his boring pupils desperately. "i-i thought... that you would ship me off to some facility that would do testing on me, since this syndrome had never been seen before."

"bullshit." yoongi deadpanned, but then uncertainty flickered across his eyes. "well, if we did, it would only be so you could get better."

subconsciously, jimin reached down and reached for jungkook's hand. when he discovered it atop the white sheets, he slowly slid his fingers through the younger's, savoring the sensation of jungkook's smooth skin cold to the bone entwined with his. his eyes briefly met his, and the blonde felt his heart shudder in his chest. he was so expertly crafted that the gods could only have designed his breathtaking image, shaped and molded into perfect proportions that jimin just wanted to touch every inch of him so he could truly know that he was his, his and no one else's.

the clearing of taehyung's throat was the sound that snapped him back to reality. "we're still here...?" the elder could see the hurt and jealousy in the other's eyes, and a piece inside of him broke. he had known for a while now that taehyung also had a massive crush on jungkook but had never acted on it. a horrible thought flashed in his mind—taehyung was probably going to confess his feelings for the youngest after he awoke in desperation due to his almost-dying, but jimin had completely stolen that away from him. and even though jungkook didn't return his feelings, taehyung would blame his hyung for his heartbreak.

he quickly slipped his fingers out of the maknae's. "right, sorry." jungkook's brown orbs widened, realizing the problem and began rubbing his arms nervously. he too knew of taehyung's feelings for him, and guilt tore at his heart like a ferocious wolf.

namjoon's watchful eyes flitted between the three and pressed his lips into a thin line. he knew what he had to do in order to make sure jimin didn't get caught up in the heat of the moment and give his lover away to another boy who was not meant to have him. he could feel this was coming, and he had to stop it. at the very least, he owed it to jungkook for not investigating further and helping him until it was almost too late.

"hey guk, is it okay if we go home and get some rest now?" he asked. they had been staying at the hospital for three nights, sleeping in chairs or sprawled on a bench, and their lack of true rest had been catching up with them.

the youngest nodded vigorously. "of course of course, go home. you need to sleep, don't worry about me."

"thanks, gukkie." hoseok beamed, still ever-the-sunshine. after he had been assured the boy was okay, he had returned to his joyful state and frequently gave jungkook hugs. this tragedy may have been hard on him, but hoseok would never lose his happy luster.

"our phones will be right beside our pillows, call if you need us," seokjin patted the brunette's tousled locks with a smile and filed out of the room with the rest of the members.

only jimin remained, reluctantly looking back at him before placing a palm on the doorknob to leave. "wait," the maknae rasped, voice coming out pained and overwhelmed.

he turned back around to lock eyes with younger, finding those brown eyes he loved were shining with emotion. the blonde rushed back to his side, grabbing both of his hands. "why are you crying," he murmured, reaching up to swipe up a fallen tear from his cheek.

jungkook just exhaled shakily and tried to regain control of himself. "i feel awful. about taehyung. he's—"

"going to be fine." jimin soothed, sitting on the edge of the bed. "i know he has feelings for you, but... you and i... we're right."

the edges of his lips curled up slightly, and he squeezed his hyung's hands tightly. "yeah. we're right."

jungkook bit his lip, eyes lowered and dark lashes displayed across his cheeks. the older cocked his head; something was on his mind. "penny for your thoughts," he said, watching for jungkook's response.

he looked away and turned his head to the side, a pink blush blooming from his neck up. "hyung?" he whispered, "do you want to sleep here tonight?" the dark-haired boy scooted over as if he was making space for me. "there isn't much room, but—but i think we can make it work."

jimin blinked in surprise, but his demeanor crumpled into a simper at the sight his anxious expression. "yeah. i can stay here." jungkook smiled in flushed relief as the elder took off his shoes. swinging his legs onto the mattress, jimin tucked them into the covers and drew them up to his chin, sinking deeply into their warmth. before the younger could think, he had slipped his arm around jungkook's torso and snuggled close to him, pulling jungkook's head to his chest. "goodnight, kook," he mumbled into his skin, delighting in the way the brunette's heartbeat increased rapidly at his actions.

"goodnight, hyung," he breathed, turning out the light and wrapping his arm around jimin's waist and curling halfway into a ball that fit like a glove into the elder's body shape.

and as jungkook feel into a deep slumber inside jimin's arms, the stars above twinkled calmly overhead. all was well.

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