XVI. half moon

370 33 39

h a l f   m o o n


THE petals had first appeared three months ago. he'd caught a glimpse of the blue-haired boy smiling at jimin as he imitated some silly dance, eyes shining with something more than they should for a friend. and jung hoseok had felt a twinge of jealousy.

jealous? jung hoseok? he told himself his heart must've just been burning because of the outrageously spicy taco he'd eaten earlier, which was probably true.

but the next day, his eyes wandered to the bluenette's face anyway. his hair is so bright was the excuse he gave on why his pupils slid to the small frame of the rapper sitting across from him at the breakfast table. he watched yoongi smile to himself when jimin repeated something stupid that taehyung had said in a weird voice. he watched him try to hide his slight blush by pulling his shirt up to cover his mouth and nose. the other members didn't see, but hoseok did.

and his heart flip-flopped again.

a week passed. he forced his eyes to stare elsewhere and keep his head focused on what he was currently doing. this weird phase would pass, he thought firmly. so jung hoseok spent all of his time and energy working on his mixtape and dancing. mainly dancing.

his thoughts always drifted to a certain boy whenever he tried to write songs, and there was no way he was going to have super sappy songs on his long-awaited mixtape.

he finally admitted it to himself on the monday of the following week, when they were having an impromptu movie night. bighit let them off early, which was a rare treat. namjoon made the disastrous suggestion that they'd watch a few episodes of a new k-drama, and once those words had been uttered, seokjin and taehyung wouldn't let anyone back out or else the face the wrath of the both of them (oh, who are we kidding? taehyung's "wrath" was nothing compared to strict-parent-seokjin).

despite, hoseok plopped onto the couch grinning. he was excited to watch something new, especially sitting next to his favorite people in the whole world. as all of them did, he tried to ignore jimin striding over to the chair furthest away from jungkook, refusing to meet the brunette boy's hurt eyes. he didn't know what was going on between them at the time, but he wasn't going to push it.

his mind was quickly swiped clean when blue hair flashed in the corner of his vision, crossing in front of him to sit down on the couch with a sigh, right next to him. their knees accidentally brushed, but yoongi didn't notice the slight intake of breath that came from his mouth. the rapper just sighed once more and leaned back, shutting his eyes for mandatory nap-time.

"let me know when it's about to end," the elder mumbled half-heartedly, "so i can pretend i was awake the whole time."

"okay," hoseok said, his voice uncharacteristically quiet. he shook his head, focusing his eyes to the screen. why was he feeling this way? it made no sense. he'd known this boy for years, and there had been no attraction—

his heart stopped. attraction? he was attracted—to min yoongi? his bandmate, his hyung, his friend? his face paled.

he did. he, jung hoseok, had a crush on his polar opposite. and the worst part—it was forbidden.

it was safe to say he didn't pay attention to the rest of the movie.

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