XIII. equinox

375 44 56

e q u i n o x


AND it was there, shivering violently on the bathroom floor, did yoongi break.

he had been slumped there for hours, tears that rarely pooled in his eyes slipping one after one down his cheeks into the toilet bowl to join his blue flower petals. another sleepless night, another night sprawled on the cold tiles, wishing desperately for it to just all be over.

he felt his heart breaking. it never really hit him how much he was hurting until he saw jimin with jungkook today, snuggling deep into his chest and smiling as they both drifted into sleep together. they were still there on the couch together; no one wanted to disturb them.

then yoongi reached his peak of delirium. i could just walk in there right now and tell him everything, he thought. he knew he had a better chance than taehyung—jungkook was so loyal and headstrong, he would never break from his love unless jimin did first. but as for the blonde beauty; he was more likely to feel guilty and waver. the bluenette knew he could use that big heart of his to catch him in his weakness.

but that was too cruel. was it?

as the minutes passed, he became more dizzy and couldn't think straight. who was he kidding? he could march in there right now, take him into his arms and kiss him like he was going to die. which he was.

and so, yoongi stood; threw open the bathroom door; marched into the living room where a blanket had been thrown over the two lovebirds; and froze. what was he doing? he turned, ready to head back to where he came from—

a stir. "... hyung?"

shit. no no no— he turned back around slowly to find jimin sitting up and blearily rubbing his eyes. "what are you doing up?"

"i—uh..." his tongue slipped over the roof of his mouth, breath hitching. "i was..." the blonde stared at him silently, eyebrows furrowed in innocent confusion. "um." yoongi didn't know what to say.

but he did know what to do.

in an instant, his arms were encircled around the smaller boy's waist, hoisting him to his feet. "hyu—" jimin felt his heart pound when he was cut off by min yoongi slamming his lips on his without another sound. he gasped in surprise, trying to pull away but forced to stay by the boy's hands on his neck.

"what the hell," a voice hissed, "is going on here." yoongi pushed the boy away roughly, fingers quivering.

jungkook had awoken.

fuck fuck fuck. he was going to hell for this. yoongi glanced at jimin, who was standing there frozen in shock. he turned back to jungkook, hands shaking. "i-i swear, it's not wh-what it seems—"

"oh, shut the hell up." the brunette snapped darkly, eyes glaring at him even in the lowly-lit room. "you fucking kissed him. what else is it supposed to be. oh wait," he faked interest, voice dripping with heavy sarcasm. "you could tell me what the hell you just did. maybe i'll understand it a little bit better."

he was pissed. the bluenette flinched, mouth opening to reply but no words coming out. why did he do what he did? was he just sick and tired of coughing up stupid flower petals for someone who would never love him back?

his misfortune was worse than he believed. "what is going on out here?" seokjin walked into the living room, eyes squinted and hair tousled from sleeping. hoseok and namjoon followed closely behind, and taehyung hid behind them, praying no one noticed his presence because shit, this was not going to go well.

"i don't know, yoongi," jungkook spat, lips twisting into a scowl. "why don't you tell them?"

the boy stared at each one of the members before him, heart pounding in his chest. he swallowed deeply, dropping his head and then lifting it back up halfheartedly in a nervous manner. "i, uh..." the members blinked at him. oh, fuck it. he took in a deep breath. "i kissed jimin."

"you WHAT?!" seokjin choked, falling back onto namjoon's arm and gaping at the bluenette.

"wait wait wait," namjoon backed up, waving his free arm while his eyebrows rose in disbelief. "let me get this right—you kissed jimin?!"

hoseok just gazed at him, jaw dropped to the floor. there was a mixture of both hurt and confusion in his eyes, which yoongi had no idea why he would be looking at him in this way but brushed it off since he clearly had other problems right now.

jimin finally seemed to come to his senses. he placed a hand on the boy's arm, tears pooling in his eyes. "why'd you do it, hyung," he whispered, a hidden meaning behind his words. he didn't mean why did he kiss him, he meant why'd you risk everything for this one moment.

the answer was simple. yoongi bit his lip and grabbed the hand jimin had settled on his arm, holding it close to your chest. "because i'm in love with you."

"oh my god," namjoon brought his middle and index fingers to his temples, both he and seokjin losing their balance and stumbling into the wall. "oh my god—"

now it was jungkook's turn to enter a state of shock. the boy's eyes glazed over, and he closed them seconds later in attempt to comprehend what the hell just happened.

it was then taehyung decided it would be the best time to leave, since everyone's thoughts seemed to be preoccupied. he tiptoed to the hall, only stopping when he heard hoseok yell after him. "hey, did you know about this?"

shit. "i... um..." he walked back in slowly, feeling the stares of everyone in the room. "um, yes."

"well," seokjin gestured for him to go on in an agitated way. "can you tell us how and why?"

taehyung really didn't want to do this. there were many parts of being famous that he liked—he liked the attention most of the time, and liked to have everyone's eyes on him. but that was most of the time, and here—all he wanted to do was crawl into a hole and disappear forever.

while he was spaced out for a second, his body decided it wanted to just announce the one truth he had kept secret for months and months now. before he knew what he was doing, his legs were striding past hoseok, past namjoon and seokjin, past yoongi and a bewildered jimin, to him. to him, the one it'd always been.

he waited to smash their lips together until he'd caught ahold of his wrists and slammed him against the wall jungkook was already leaning against. he pulled back an instant later, tears swimming in his eyes. "because i'm in love with him."

seokjin's irises rolled to the back of his head and promptly fainted, namjoon catching him just before he hit the floor. "i'm out," hoseok announced, shaking his head and going back into his room. "i am out."

the news must've completely broken their leader, since he just stood there blinking at them, supporting seokjin's body weight with two arms. "wha... wha..." he shut his eyes and shook his head like hoseok had done. "what?!"

jungkook just fell to the floor, running a hand through his hair. "oh my god," he whispered, "what just happened?"

jimin wrenched his hand from yoongi's grasp and stumbled over to his lover's side, pupils filled with delirium and discomfort. he wrapped his arms around one of jungkook's, shivering in the dark.

but oh, taehyung and yoongi could see the words behind his eyes. you ruined everything, they said quietly, sadly. why'd you have to ruin everything?

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