Chapter 21

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Jaden POV

It's been three months since the last time I seen Michelle and it's official me and her are separated. The only way I get to get Daniella is when she drops her off at willows I can't even take her to my house because Michelle doesn't trust me with my child. So on weekends I have to stay at willows house to be with Daniella . I heard she's dating that Eric guy now to be honest I hate it. Daniella loves him every time she sees him pick her up she screams "Eric , Eric up , up" and yeah Michelle drops her off when I'm not there and Eric picks her up on Sunday . I do miss Michelle honestly but there's nothing I can do she's with that Eric nigga . Next week is Daniella birthday it's on a Friday which means Daniella is with me but I want to throw a party and I want to invite Michelle. I want to invite her face to face so now I'm going to call her and arrange to meet up.

Phone Call



Michelle:what's up ?

Me:um nothing I was wondering if we can meet up to discuss plans for Dani birthday ?

Michelle: when will you like to meet up ?

Me: are you busy today ?

Michelle: nope how about 1:30 at red mango I'll bring Daniella ?

Me: how about red mango at 1:30 but leave Daniella with Willow

Michelle: that sounds gr- (gets cut off by Eric )

Eric:good bye -hangs up the phone on Jaden

The fuck was all of that about ?

Michelle POV


Me:he's my daughters father! I have to speak to him

Eric: you are trying to leave me

Me: no Eric you don't understand !

Eric: no you don't understand *slaps Michelle* now if that nigga says anything about me and you , you are going to tell him we are happy

Me: leave me alone

Eric: leave you alone ? Women I made you leave that son of bitch don't disrespect me ! (Michelle or Eric doesn't realize Daniella is watching the whole thing she saw her mother being slapped) This is my house and you will respect my rules

Me: I was better off with him and I don't have to live here I have all my shit at Yasmin's place I don't fucking need you !

Eric: WHAT BITCH!(Daniella left to her room still not notice )

I pushed him on the floor and quickly went into Daniella's room and grabbed her shoes because I already dressed her earlier and packed a bunch of clothes I left the house and got into my car while pulling away I heard him yell " this isn't over " when I got to willows I wiped my face with a napkin and covered the marks with makeup I wasn't letting anyone know I get beat. The reason why is because I left Jaden for Eric. Plus Eric only beats me at his house he doesn't hit me in the house I still share with Yasmin. It's only 12:05 I'm getting Daniella out her car seat and walking towards Willow's door. When I knocked on the door Willow opened it with the biggest smile on her face .

Willow : jay told me everything and I'm so happy you to are finally working things out for Dani and I hope those aren't your clothes you planned to wear to see Jaden (Michelle is wearing pjs )

Me: no I just wanted to drop dani off earlier I'm going home to get ready.

Willow: oh yay so I won't keep you waiting enjoy your day *turns to dani* dani say bye to mommy.

Daniella: bye bye mommy *leans and kisses her mom's cheek*

Me: bye bye my love be good to Auntie Willow.

I waved goodbye one last time and headed off home. There I went quickly into the shower and put on black shorts and a pink Msfts tank top and pink and black converses I left my natural curls down and check the time it was 1:15 , I made sure I had enough make up on to hide everything I left my house and got in the car by the time I got there it was 1:31 and I saw Jaden with two red mango cups and he looked up from he's phone and saw me and he smiled . The same smile I fell in love with .

Jaden : still a Msfts ?

Me:well I did grew up with two of them and got pregnant by one so I guessed it rub off on me *smiles *

Jaden: *chuckles * still a smart ass to !

Me: hey if you ask a dumb question I'm giving you a dumb answer simple.

Jaden: okay shorty

Me: ew don't call me shorty I hate that and I'll be back I need to go to the ladies room

Jaden: fine I'll play a game on my phone .

Jaden POV

When she walked away I was playing flappy bird till Willow sends me a video. I opened it to see Willow and Daniella talking.


Willow: what happen to mommy?

Daniella: Eric was yelling at mommy then did boom[dani pretends to slap her self] to her face

Willow: what else

Daniella: then he said mommy a bitch

Willow: Daniella don't say that word

Daniella : sorry

Video ends

I'm fucking furious no one hits my Michelle. I seen her leaving the bathroom I quickly try to relax and see if she will bring it up.

Michelle: why do you look upset

Jaden: I kept losing in the game

Michelle: oh okay

Jaden: so how are you and Eric ?

Michelle: um good

|||||Author's Note🙋: if you guys see these symbols "{}" those are going to be whoever is talking at the moment thoughts okay ?|||||

Jaden:{lies next question} do you guys have any fights ?

Michelle:{I should just tell him but I don't know what he will do} um a little but nothing violent.

Jaden:{boom another lie one more question} does he disrespects you in front of Damiella?

Michelle:{yes yes he does all the time say the truth} no he doesn't

Jaden: {time to get answers out of him then} so about Daniella birthday party it's on a Friday which is my day and I want to throw a party and I want you and your mother and brother to be there it's going to be at my house.

Michelle: can Eric come?

Jaden: no him and Moi don't get along {you mean him and you don't get along}

Michelle: why they don't get along

Jaden:they had a fight {no they didn't you want to fight him}

Michelle: okay fine it will just be me , Alex & my mother then.

Jaden : can I ask you something?

Michelle : yeah ?

Jaden: are you honestly happy with him ?

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