Chapter 24

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Jaden POV

A guy walked behind Moises and stabs him in the side and runs Mateo went to chase him and so did I. Michelle stood behind to help Moi.

Michelle POV

Tears was coming out of my eyes seeing Moi bleeding and in pain is the worst he didn't deserve this . I should of deserve this , not him not Moises .

Me: stay with me Moises please stay with me

I quickly pulled out my phone and called the cops.

Operator: 911 what's your emergency ?

Me:*crying* please help my best friend has just been stabbed

Operator: ma'am I'm going to need you to relax now where is the address.

Me: *crying* I don't remember please just hurry up

Operator: ma'am okay we found your location and sending an Ambulance on your way okay.

Me: okay good but what about the other bodies ?

Operator: what other bodies ?

Me: *cries* there's two more dead bodies

Operator: okay I'm sending over two other ambulances

Me:*hears cop sirens & hangs up* I just want Moi to be okay

Cop 1: so what do we have here ?

Cop2: appears to be to dead bodies and one injured .

Cop 1: *walks over to michelle* do you mind answering some questions ?

Michelle:*gets up and follows the cop outside by one of the ambulance trucks where they wrapped a blanket around her and cleaned the blood* Is Moises going to be okay ?

Cop1: yes he's going to be find he just needs to be stitch up and he should be fine the cut wound wasn't to deep so it's a cut wound that can be healed now what happen.

Michelle: *explains the whole story*

Cop1 : now you said there was 3 guys Moises , Mateo & Jaden but where are Mateo and Jaden ?

Michelle: they went to chase after the guy who stabbed Moises

Cop1: did they have any weapons ?

Michelle: no

Cop1: *gets a phone call*excuse me one moment

The cop walks over to the house and answers the look on the cop's face as he looked at Michelle was a worried look

Cop1: *walks back to Michelle * there was a car accident with only one body and that body was identify as Jaden Smith but Mateo Aries has not been found

Michelle:Is Jaden alright ?

😞😔 the big question is , is Jaden alright ? and also where's Mateo ?

Thank you guys for the comments and votes and the reads love you guys 😘

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