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  In the Reef, everything seems perfect, the mermaids and mermen are seen swimming, fishes are also swimming and playing with each other, one of these mermaids is the mermaid of poison, she has blonde hair, purple eyes, wears a purple bra and a fish-like tail, her name is Charmaine Roberts, whose parents died after a lightning struck a airplane in half, she and her twin brother, ended up living as orphans in the sea and became both mermaids of poison, they never see each other again after being separated, Charmaine is portrayed as evil, arrogant and cruel, she has powers of kill anyone in their sight, the poison, she poisons everybody including some fishes, Atargatis, the mermaid-goddess became shocked at that orphaned mermaid as she sees her leaving the sea to go to the surface, where the Elemermaids live, Charmaine never came back for days, years, and months, and there is somebody who can stop that evil mermaid: The Elemermaids.  

  A animated sequence begins, this time is now different, where the statues begin to look each other, the four statues turn themselves into Moira, Summer, Hannah, Loretta and Darby in their normal clothes, walking together in the streets of Waterton, The five girls notice a magic pearl, which turn them into the Elemermaids, Moira generates Earth, sand and controls some stones, Summer creates a powerful fire blast in the sky, Hannah creates a Tidal Wave, Darby releasing air from her hands and Loretta creates some balls of lightning, The five mermaids are seen swimming together, along with Pippa, Charlene, Dave and Darlene, Atargatis is seen with them, showing some water spirits, The girls notices sea monsters coming out from the sea, Hannah uses her water powers, turning the city in a submerged city, Moira defeats the first sea monster by releasing dirt, Summer shoots fireballs at the second monster, Darby shoots air at the third monster, Loretta electrocutes the fourth sea monster, and finally, Hannah drowns the fifth sea monster with water, The girls are seen on the beach, their reflections of themselves are shown with the mermaids forms.    

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