Chapter Four

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I currently sat on my bed, doing flash cards and writing notes.

I had a test soon and I wanted to study really hard.

I took a one hour break and got a bowl of cucumber slices and a glass of ice tea.

I cleaned up my mess and went back to my room.

I sat on my bed Indian style and ate my snack while writing down more notes and working on my study guide.

It had been hours and I was still working on my study guide.

My phone rang, making me slightly jump.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes for me being such a scaredy cat.

I answered it and said "hello?"

It was silent on the other end, very creepy.

"Um hello?" I said again....

Still no answer.....

I lightly huffed, feeling annoyed.

"Look dude or whoever you are this is not funny, whatever prank you're trying to pull knock it off"

"Sorry, I just didn't know what to say"

I straightened my posture and scrunched up my face.

"Um who is this?" I shook my head in confusion and gave my wall dirty looks.

"And how'd you get my number?"

The person on the other end chuckled.

"I have my ways"

I nodded slowly, still weirded out and confused.

"Well this has been extremely awkward so I'm gonna go now"

Before the person could say anything I hung up on them.

I put my phone down and went back to finishing the last two pages of my study guide.

I finally finished and put my study guide packet away, along with my notebook and text book.

I got up and went to my bookshelf and got my diary and went back over to my bed and got comfy and wrote in my diary.

Dear Diary,

Today wasn't so bad, school went great and I managed to go without crying. Progress I think....Tho I still cry myself to sleep. I wish I could just move on already....My heart still beats for him and probably always will but I can't give in to what I feel anymore.

Signed: The Broken Heart Diaries Aka Kala

I closed my diary and got up and put it back on the shelf and laid down for awhile.

I curled up into a ball and snuggled my body pillow and cried silently.

Soon I cried myself to sleep..... wondering if I ever meant anything to him than just a best friend.

A/N: I'm back! And I know it's emotional but I hope you like it...

Have a blessed day readers 💜💜💜

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