Chapter Eight

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Kala's Pov,

Waking up in an ice cold basement feeling abused, broken and hopeless wasn't the way to die but as I sat there slumped against a wall that I was shackled to, I could feel myself slipping away with each passing moment. As each day passed, so did my emotions.

It was true what they said about being broken changing you, I had changed....I could feel it deep inside, what remained of the pure light that used to ignite and shine bright was now barely a dimmed flicker like a bulb running out of energy.

Footsteps echoed as someone descended down the stairs of the basement, no doubt one of her stupid minions coming to give me my daily beating.

It was dark so I couldn't see the person but I knew they were close. I pushed myself to my feet and stared in the darkness with an emotionless expression. "Come to watch me wither away again?" my voice came out scratchy as I coughed. "Not the type to revel in the pain of somebody who clearly doesn't deserve it....just came down to see who was in the basement of my house" I let out a laugh that sounded so manically frightening that I myself had questioned my own sanity. "Well I'm gonna end up dying here anyways so might as well get the daily beating over with" as I moved I felt my chest tighten up again, my rib cage ached excruciatingly but I refused to let it show.

"So why exactly did Selena have you tortured and beaten? like what did you do?" that made me scoff and chuck the cup that was sitting next to me across the room. "She's just insane and bitter and just couldn't stand the sight of me happy for once so if you don't mind I would like to rot in peace" the person sighed and shuffled his feet. "I don't think Justin would give up on you or want you to give up....don't worry she'll get what's coming to her one day and when that day comes you'll be set free from this hell so don't give up just yet" I couldn't fight the traitorous tears that streamed down my face. "y-you sound m-more like a g-guardian angel" every word came out breathless due to having shortness of breath.

The person chuckled as if what I said was worthy of humor, but it wasn't humorous to me, none of this was...I was physically and mentally wasting away in a random stranger's basement and nobody was brave enough to stand up to the witch I once called my best friend. I leaned my head back against the wall as I sat down on the cold floor of the basement.

I hissed when someone turned on the light, to my amazement I was surprised at who I was talking to just moments before hand. Reluctantly I looked away, feeling a sudden pang of anger towards him, who would of thought I'd be locked up in the basement of one the actors from my favorite TV show.

"Sorry, just seemed too depressing to talk in the dark but honestly you look like you should see a doctor" I shrugged carelessly. "It's not like you could take me to the ER.....I'm sure she paid you a great amount of money to keep me here and well your wife is oblivious as to what's happening in her basement so it's pointless to expect a calvery any time soon"

Paul sighed and rubbed a hand over his face before grabbing a pair garden cutters and came towards me, out of habit I cringed into the wall more than I was out of fear, ignoring the pain that shot up my spine. I whimpered and shielded myself with my arms that were still in shackles. He stepped closer, I waited for the pain but nothing happened. "Look you have no reason to trust me but I had no part in this sadistic scheme, in fact I was left with a descriptive note from someone that I had a girl shackled to the wall of my basement" as he explained in his defense he cut the chains of the shackles and pried them from my wrists and ankles.

I stood to my feet but soon regretted it as I started to fall, thankfully he caught me and swooped me up in his arms and took me upstairs then grabbed his keys and rushed me to the ER.

As the nurses put me on a bed and wheeled me away I stared at the one person who had saved me from dying in a cold basement. I faded in and out but caught onto what the nurses and ER doctors were saying. "She's completely malnourished, fractured ribs, and internal bleeding" I knew I was sick and ill but didn't know it was this bad until now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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