1. Roosters cannot crow if they cannot extend their necks.
2. The color blue has a calming effect,
It causes the brain to release calming hormones.3. The reason honey is so easy to digest is that it's already been digested by a bee. Eww!
4. The owl is the only bird to drop its upper eyelid to wink. All other birds raise their lower eyelids.
5. Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die. (For brain users only)
6. Your left lung is smaller than your right lung to make room for your heart.
7. When you blush, the lining of your stomach also turns red.
8. When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red.
9. The lion that roars in the MGM logo is named Volny. Rooaar!
10. Human hair and fingernails continue to grow after death.
Jokes and Facts
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