Chapter 6: Provoking

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Billie's POV

It's strange when you go living your life with this weird weight in the back of your head. This heaviness that never truly leaves, always stabbing away at the corners of your brain. That bizarre heaviness was Annabel. I had no idea what had caused her to occupy late-night thoughts and first-morning comprehensions but I realised quite soon that she would not be going anywhere. She was stuck, fixed in my head, demanding my attention and the sole reason for my worries. 

Why was she there? How long would she be staying? Could she leave me be because I was not sure if I liked it.

How much this phantom Annabel bothered me became more acute a few days after I left her the weird package...

It was after a Gilman gig on Saturday night. We had stumbled back to Mona's house, a small group of us, drunk and getting drunker by the minute. Tré was a garbling mess and Mike was trying to hit on Mona and the others were nameless blurs of laughter and in my hazy state I just grabbed her and went upstairs to get away from it all. She was drunk too, much more than me, and she swayed precariously as I shut the bedroom door. She ran a hand through her long hair, her head tilted slightly as she sat down on Mona's bed, assessing how bouncy it was, and then collapsed onto it, star-fishing her limbs.

"Sooooo comfy..." She hummed, her eyes fluttering close and her arms and legs moving as if constructing a snow angel. I chuckled and that sapphire gaze snapped back to me.

"Billlllie...I wanted to tell you how much I like your song."

I came over to sit on the bed, taking her outstretched hand. She looked at me seriously. 

"It was very good. I thought it was very provoking."


"Yes. You are very provoking."

I wasn't sure how to answer, so I simply watched her instead. She rolled around the bed, mewling in a discomfort which resulted in her taking her shirt off. I tried not to look but I couldn't help it. The dim light bathed her soft skin, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she looked at me. I didn't know what to do. My aching desire was screaming at my reason. 

I shook my head. She was drunk, drunker than me. I could never do that to her.

I made a move to get off the bed but she grabbed my hand, pulling me down. She started to giggle then, her eyes glazed and a non-stop stream of giddy words pouring out of her mouth as she pushed me onto the bed. 

"Billie, Billie, Billie Joe..." She sang at some point, running her hands down my chest, too low for me to stop a groan deep in my throat. She pouted as I trapped her hands, barring her movements.

"Annabel you're drunk."

"And you're a conundrum. A stupid, annoying conundrum."

I looked up at her bewildered. She looked so young, her big blue eyes blinking and her lips frowning as if in deep thought. She looked like the nearly-17 year old she really was, behind all the wit and divine intellect. 

I forgot myself in that moment and let her go. She smirked and I knew I had lost almost immediately. Her hand grasped me through my jeans. I gasped as if I had been burnt, her fingers like wires of electricity. I had no idea what made that action that I had felt so many times so intense. She bit her lip, watching me scrunch my eyes close as if to gain some sort of composure. 

"Annabel, stop." My voice was raspy. I could pride myself in the strength that took. I was using every ounce of self control not to throw her onto the bed then and there. My drunken mind was overcome with the smell and feel of her.

She froze, her eyes narrowing, before she stumbled off me, pulling on her shirt. Her face was bright red as she began to start towards the door. I caught her just in time.

"Hey, hey no please stay."

She hid behind her hair as she slumped to the ground. I followed her, brushing back the chocolate strands so I could see her. She didn't meet my gaze.

"I...I just thought..."

"Tell me what's wrong Bells."

"I just thought that that's what you wanted. That...that's why you want me around or...or maybe if we... you would want me more."

I felt myself stiffen as a pain began to travel into my chest.

"Why would you think that? I don't need you to do anything like that...I...I like spending time with you. I like you just like this."

She looked at me then. The sadness in her eyes made me want to just wrap my arms around her and kiss her until she stopped looking at me like that.

"But that's all you want from girls. That's what everyone says. Why am I any different?"

That was the last thing she said before she fell asleep then and there. I carried her to bed. I then sat there in the dark for a while before crawling in beside her. Her lips were slightly parted as she slept, her eyebrows furrowed. I closed my eyes against the chaos in my mind and slept too. 

She didn't remember any of that night. She woke up the next morning asking me why we were in Mona's bed, could we go get some breakfast because she was starving. I just told her sure. She smiled and said that she had to sit down and talk to me about Christie Road. She had loved it. She also had to give me all this weed Tré had been leaving in her locker. Killer hangover, she wasn't gonna be drinking again anytime soon! Why was her shirt on backwards?

I didn't tell her. I knew it wouldn't do any good. I knew that knowing me I would come across as a smug asshole and she would hate me. I don't know. I was still shaking down to my bones from what she had said. would want me more...

I didn't know then that it was the beginning of it all, and how fucked up things would become afterwards.


A/N another one just because i'm sorry for not updating. more weird plot coming! thanks for reading!!!

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