Chapter 13: Oh Baby Baby...

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Annabel's POV

6 months later...

"Don't you worry 'bout what's on your mind...I'm in no hurry I can take my time..."

I was flipping through my latest copy of Batman which Mike had swapped me that day, Bowie's frantic take on that old Stone's song playing lowly in the background. I looked around my room for a moment, watching Ale snoring in his bed in the corner, wondering about what colour I wanted to paint my walls. 

The move had been a brief affair really, considering it was only about a block or two down the road. But I knew why Mom had wanted to, and I couldn't blame her. I still felt a throb of joy, remembering her face at the hearing when Jeremy came in. He had searched her with a small, pitiful smile. She had stared straight through him with her head held high. I had been so proud and couldn't fight off the smirk I gave him.

Mom had gone out with Mona's mom and her book club for a night in Berkeley. It had taken so long to convince her, but after assuring I was gonna be fine and letting her run me through every possible person to call if needed she got out the blue silk cocktail dress I hadn't seen since Dad and a bit of lipstick. I told her she was glowing. She gave me many kisses and many more words of cautionary concern before leaving. I couldn't help but giggle when I saw the outline of her thong. 

Anywho, I was vaguely daydreaming, like if Batman liked the crusts cut off his sandwiches or how I needed to get my violin back from Tré who had decided he was gonna take a mad fling at it and how I needed to pick up more dog food and that's when I heard the knocks.

Ale started wagging his tail and was up in a second, pawing at the window. I leapt up, hurrying over and pulling it open. His smile and eyes greeted me.

"Have I told you that this tree is a hell of a lot easier to get up?"

"Billie what the fuck are you doing here?" The words sounded less reprimanding when I had a goofy grin on my face.

"I miss you..." He pouted, sticking his lip out and giving me puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes.

"I saw you today."

"Yeah with the boys. I mean alone..." He swung his legs through the window and stepped into my room, peering down at me with a sparkling gaze and lopsided smile.

I sighed and crossed my arms, biting back a smile of my own. He chucked and bent down to me, taking my face in his hands and softly bringing his lips to mine. My breath was taken away immediately and I felt warmth bloom in my chest, my fingers closing around the fabric of his Cheap Trick shirt as the feeling of his mouth on mine swept any thought out of my mind. 

We were interrupted by Ale, pawing at Billie in annoyance of this lack of attention. We broke away and Billie laughed lightly, giving him a scruff behind the ears. 

"He's such a diva." I huffed as I ordered him out of the room, throwing a biscuit after him for good measure and tightly closing the door. Billie had meandered his way over to my bed, kicking off his shoes in the process and stretching out on his back, sighing happily. His head cocked up to me as I clambered on as well, falling clumsily onto his chest, causing an "oof" to be pushed from both of us. I made an attempt to scramble off, my face already turning red, when an arm wrapped strong and sure around my back, keeping me in place. 

I couldn't help but sneak a glance up at him, my cheeks flaming for no good reason as I stayed perfectly still. He simply looked at me and smiled gently, a hand coming up to brush my hair out of my face. The smile then grew a wicked edge however and his eyes sparked.

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