January 1st 1895

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Morning sunshine peeked through a crack in the shutters of the girls room resting on Kire's face causing her to wake with a yawn as she sat up tiredly and touched her new necklace, her mother's words echoed in her head 'I'm the child of the sun' she thought as she crawled across the bed and opened the window pushing the shutters open and staring out at the sunny morning before her as she stood and stretched.

The Inn smelled amazing which could only mean one thing, freshly baked homemade crumpets with Cinnamon and spice pear butter. Kire grinned and got dressed quickly washing her face and putting her hair in a braid on her own for once before she jumped onto the bed to wake Kira. "Mama made crumpets and pear butter" She whispered in Kira's ear which made her shoot up fully awake without any hesitation.

Both girls ran down stairs giggling excitedly only to stop quickly to greet a guest that was in the front parlor "Good morning Sir" The girls said together in perfect unison while curtsying , the man nodded at them "Good morning Ladies, you're very well mannered for being so young." The man complimented, before they could answer Theia came out of the kitchen with tea , crumpets and a small dish of pear butter atop a silver tray "Thank you Sir, my girls are very well behaved and they always mind their manners" She said as she set the tray down while shooing the girls away to go eat their own breakfast in the kitchen.

After breakfast Kira looked over at her sister with a grin "Race you to the stables! Loser has to clean the horse droppings" She challenged earning a nod from Kire "oh your so on" Her sister replied as she moved and pull on her boots, coat and gloves then looked at Kira and ran out the door laughing. Kira gasped and followed after her "Not fair! " She called out as she ran threw the snow towards the stables.

Theia chuckled listening to the girls outside, as she cleared the few dishes from the guests before tending to the ones that were ready to be checked out. When she was finished she went to the back door "Girls, when you're finished cleaning the stables come tend to the rooms please!" Theia turned and started on the dishes from breakfast before getting lunch ready for herself and the girls who came running in giggling and covered in snow from an on the run snowball fight making Theia shake her head chuckling at their antics.

Kire looked at their mother after she had removed her winter clothing "Which rooms need cleaning mama?" She asked as Kira grabbed the broom and gathered new bedding, Theia motioned to the list on the front desk "I believe rooms 1-8 need to be swept and 9 and 10 need new bedding but it's all on the list, oh and after that I would like you two to go to the butcher and pick up the meat order for me it's supposed to be ready today" Theia said as she scrubbed at the cast iron frying pan.

The girls nodded and went to check the list before grabbing the things they needed and dashing up to the rooms. Kire wasn't a fan of sweeping but she knew how to strike a bargain so she headed down the hall, " Kira" She whined as she walked until she was in the door way of the room Kira was currently working on, "Switch me jobs, I'll give you my dessert for a week" She said looking at her sister. Kira thought about it before nodding " ok but make it 2 weeks and you have a deal" Kira suggested, Kire nodded "Deal" she said as she handed the broom to Kira and picked up the bedding.

Kire finished changing the linens in the rooms and walked into the hall just as Kira stepped into the hall "I wonder what mama got from the butcher" She asked as they headed down the back staircase that lead to the kitchen, Kira pondered for a moment before saying "Probably rabbit  for Grandmas stew recipe" Both girls sighed, they loved it when their mother made Grandma's stew, especially when it was ready after coming in from playing out in the snow, or being caught in the cold early spring or late autumn rain.

The twins quickly put their items away and put the winter clothing on and left for the butcher's with the coin purse allowing the girls to buy a hot cocoa for the walk back as the meat order was already paid for. The walk to the butchers wasn't a long one and the butcher beamed at the twins when they entered and headed into the back to grab the order when two ratty looking boys about the same age as the twins entered. 

One of the boys was taller with mangy long blond hair and crystal blue eyes while the other had shaggy red hair and warm brown eyes. The girls looked at each other then back at the boys who took notice of them, the red head started to sneak around the counter while the blond held his finger up to his lips making a soft shhh sound before following the redhead. The boys started to rummage through the case of meat on display when the butcher came back up front with the girls order and quietly put the order down before grabbing the boys by there ratty jackets and lifted them off the ground.

"How many times do I have to kick you two out before you get the message?" The butcher bellowed before tossing the boys out the door into a snowbank, the blond had started shouting something but it was muffled by the door and snowball the redhead shoved in his mouth. The twins looked out the door at the boys as they got out of the snowbank and started to walk down the streets heads down. "Don't you two get involved with those misfits" The butcher said has he handed the meat order to the girls and sent them on their way. 

The girls headed to get hot cocoa before going home when they saw the boys standing on a street corner trying to get change from passerbyers only to be turned down everytime. Looking at the coin purse that only had enough for 2 hot cocoas before marching over to the boys. Both boys had sat down on the street corner looking defeated when the girls approached. "What do you want?" The redhead snapped at the twins that stood in front of them. Kira ignored the redhead as she opened the coin purse and took out the money and bent down and held it out to the blond who looked up from the ground stuned, "Here, You need this more than we do" Kira said as she put the coins into the stuned blondes hand while Kire gave the redhead one package of salami.

The twins smiled as they started to walk away leaving the boys in shock, no one had offered to help them, how they managed to survive so long was still a mystery to them, as they watched the girls walk away the blonde suddenly shot forward calling out for the girls to wait, The girls turned to the boy who called out then he engulfed Kira in a hug, he was much taller than her,she could hardly see over his shoulder, Kira returned the boys hug as he let out a somewhat shaky thank you before letting her go and giving Kire a hug but not as long as the one he gave Kira before he turned and walked back to the redhead who was now standing up.

When the twins got home Theia asked them how their trip to the butchers went and so they told their mother about the boys and what they did for them. Theia beamed at her daughters and hugged them while praising their kind hearts, she was proud of them, they always did what they thought was right and she couldn't be prouder. As the day progressed they celebrated the twins birthday and spent the evening opening presents and reading. However Kire seemed lost in thought, she couldn't stop thinking about the boys they met earlier and if they had a warm place to sleep.

When it was time for the girls to go bed they wondered if the boys were ok and in fact they were, for the first time in nights the two boys went to bed with something in their stomachs and with the little bit of change the girls gave them they were able to buy some fabric to add to their little nest in the rundown cabin they had been living in ever since they could remember and it was thanks to the generosity of two random girls they met that day.

Late that night Kire slipped out of bed and went down stairs to Theia who was sitting by the fire reading "...mama..." she called out softly as she went over to her "mama..i cant stop thinking about those boys from earlier..."

Theia smiled and set her book down and pulled Kire on her lap "I know pumpkin...Neither can i" thia kissed her daughters head " go back to bed and in the morning we will go look for them...rather those boys be warm and safe then out on the street"

Kire nodded and yawned going back up to her room and crawling into bed beside her sister, falling asleep.

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