March 13th 1897

13 0 0

The twins had just turned 16, both could now raise and lower the sun and moon but Kire was growing tired of the Inn she wanted to explore the world.

Barnum circus had just come to old niagara village problem was no one liked the so called freaks so no inn would allow the group to stay the night, and so they resigned to the fact they would spend the night on the street

Kire sat up in bed and looked at her sleeping sister, she was the child of the sun but she had a talent for knowing when someone needed help, she carefully got out of bed and went downstairs and grabbed her cloak and snuck out the back door and wondered into town, it wasn't long before she stopped seeing PT and the others sitting on the ground

Kire went over to Barnum and stood in front of him " Good evening Mr.Barnum...why are you all out here instead of inside where it's warm...?" he slowly looked up from his knees and spied her bunny slippers "well...No inn will accept all of us...because we are a little to different for their liking" he sighed and looked up at the girl that filled the bunny slippers and stood to introduce himself properly as a gentleman should while speaking with a young lady. 

he fixed his suit and bowed slightly "Phineas Taylor Barnum at your service my lady" he smiled and took her hand earning a slight blush from kire.
she smiled and looked at him " If you need  a place to stay, Im sure my mothers Inn has enough rooms for everyone, and breakfast is included as well as a hot bath"

  Lettie looked up at the young purple haired girl and smiled " you are so kind to offer us a place at your inn but...i dont think your mother would like us" PT looked at Lettie "non sense let's at least go and speak with her, its worth a try"

Phillip stood and looked at the group " Barnum is right...come on...where is your hope, the world is always going to look down on us unless we prove them wrong, instead of sitting here feeling sorry for ourselves lets at least go and see if this inn is willing to accept this family of misfits because you never know until you try "

PT turned to kire as the troup slowly rises to their feet "Lead the way Ms..?"
She smiled and curtsied "my name is Kire Blackwood" he nodded "alright then Ms.Blackwood lead the way" she smiled more and took his hand and headed back the way she came leading them to an old house at the edge of the village which was the Inn.

Thia was standing on the front steps calling her daughter when she saw her walking up the road with a group of strangers " KIRE! you get over here right now!" she was mad she had snuck out but at the same time she was glad she was safe. Kire let go of Barnum's hand and went to her mother " mama...dont be mad...but I had to go find them...they need a place to other Inn will allow them in...because they are too us..." Thia stood and went to Mr. Barnum "I take it you are the one in charge?" he nodded and bowed once again introducing himself " Phineas Taylor Barnum my lady, your daughter mentioned you might have enough rooms for my troup and I"

Thia glanced over towards her purple haired daughter and then back to barnum "my entire Inn is at your disposal this evening, Please come inside and make yourselves at home" she turned and quickly went to Kire " go wake your sister and put on a pot of tea"
"yes mama" kire looked at barnum and smiled as she disappeared inside and ran up to her room " KIRA! GET UP!" she ran around the room trying to quickly braid her hair and gather extra blankets at the same time.

Kira tiredly sat up with groan " what do you want kire..." she yawned and looked at her frazzled sister " you have any idea what time it is" Kire glared " yes now get up we have beds to make..."she threw blankets next to her sleepy sister "barnum's circus is downstairs.."

Kira jumped " what!" she leapt out of bed and threw her hair up in a bun "i'll start the beds you go start Tea" she nodded and dashed down the back steps and into the kitchen.

Theia pulled barnum aside and handed him the check in book " each room has two single beds,a fireplace and wash basin, breakfast is served at 8 am in the dinning room. i do expect proper table manners" Barnum nodded and filled out a space in the book for himself and phillip then filled out the rest of the troup and handed it back " thank you for your kindness madam Blackwood, we are all very grateful" he pulled a red change purse from his pocket and counted a few gold coins "I do hope this will be enough" he said as he handed Theia the coins, she smiled and looked at the coins then closed his hand gently " Don't worry about payment Mr.barnum save your coins for when you really need them"

Barnum just stared at her and silently put the coins back in his purse " you are far to kind madam" just then kire came out of the kitchen with a cart of tea and biscuits , she lifted a cup and handed it to lettie "mamas herbal tea does wonders"
Lettie took the cup and smiled softly"thank you"

After a night of laughter and good fun, everyone turned in for the evening, the following morn, Theia and the twins had gotten up quite early to start breakfast for the circus troupe.
Kira had been sent out to collect the eggs from the chicken coup since the chickens seemed to hate Kire, everytime she went in they would chase her.

Kire was sent into town to collect more meat from the butcher since the previous order would not be enough,she enter the butcher shop and smiled as the elderly man behind the counter smiled at her "well now, look how grown up you are Kire, i remember when your mother would send both you and your sister to collect her order,my how time has passed " he laughed and went to the back to grab the order and handed it to her , she took the order and handed him a few coins " thank you so much mister woodrow, Ill tell mama you said hello" and then she left.

 it was on her way back to the Inn when a man pulled her into an ally and tried to take her meat order "hey...let go! "she cried out as the man shoved her to the ground , a boy with bright red hair stepped in front of the man and punched him square in the jaw taking the meat from him "why don't you go bother someone else instead of this nice young lady"
the man held his jaw and ran off, the red haired boy turned and helped her up their gaze meeting, both remembering the other "" kire said softly as she stood and dusted the dirt off her dress.

He nodded and handed her the meat"its been along time hasn't it" he bowed "my name is seth redsand" he smiled "three years ago you and your sister gave me and my friend the last of your change and some salami, might i repay that favor?" he reached into his pocket pulling out the exact change she had once given him

she looked at him and refused the coins"one kind act is not meant to be returned, it is meant to be passed on, if you wish to return the favor all i ask is for you to help another in need"
and then she turned to leave for the inn but to her surprise he followed "im...actually staying at your in, Im with Barnums circus"

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