New Beginnings

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Once morning came both girls and Theia had a quick breakfast and left to search for the two boys but to no avail. They searched everywhere, asked everyone, checked the closest cabins and even the orphanage but there was no sign that the two boys ever existed in the small village, the girls started to wonder if they had imagined the hole encounter and with heavy hearts Theia lead the two now shivering, sad girls home to warm up, little did they know that the boys were safe and on their way to New York City.

Earlier that same morning before the girls showed up the two boys were out trying to make chump change or beg for food when none other than P.T. Barnum himself walked threw the streets headed for the orphanage, he was in search for a few young men or women that would soon need to leave the place they currently called home due to now being the age of adults and needed work and a place to live, with his circus being very successful he was always in need of more help, that was when he saw the two boys.

Barnum approached the boys with his offer of a new life, three meals a day, a roof over their heads and pay. At first the boys weren't sure, they had lived their whole lives in this village but when their stomachs growled loudly it reminded them how no one in this village helped them except for the pair of twins but the chances of meeting them again were slim so they took Barnum's offer and after getting a few more helping hands from the orphanage, and handing out a few flyers they left the small village they called home to start a new life.

A few months had past and spring was well under way, Kira was standing in the yard with her mother watching her closely and trying to copy how she moved the moon of course she wasn't very good at it like Kire was with the sun, but it was her first attempt. Theia smiled as she watched her daughter copy her as she lowered and raised the moon to the best of her ability. She looked at Kira with an encouraging smile as her daughter sighed in disappointment "You'll get it eventually, it isn't easy to move the sun or moon sweetheart"Theia said as she brushed hair out of her daughters face, "You girls are growing so quickly" She said as Kire came running out with a flyer in hand waving it excitedly.

"Mama! Mama! Look! " she said as she held the flyer up for the P.T. Barnum Circus, "Can we go?" She asked looking up at her mother, Theia took the flyer and looked it over. The girls had been working very hard, not only on school work but their witchcraft as well, Kire could already raise the sun halfway while Kira could make thing move on their own and levitate in the air. "I don't know sweetheart... " Theia said as she looked at the flyer over, it would be nice to get away for a while, of course that meant she would have to close the Inn while they were gone or see if her sister would run it.

Kire looked at her mother with pleading eyes "Please mama? It would be so much fun!"
Kira looked between her mother and sister a few times before agreeing with her sister, Theia smiled at her daughters, there was money in the budget and she did want the girls to travel a bit, "Alright we can go but you have to finish all the housework before bed time tonight and we will catch the train to New York City tomorrow afternoon after packing." Theia said before the girls squealed excitedly running off to finish the house work, while Theia contacted her sister Matilda.

before long they were half done their chores when Kira looked up from cleaning the stables as her sister was brushing one of the horses "We're almost finished!" Kira said excitedly as she wiped sweat from her brow "At this rate we will be off to new York in no time!" She added as Kire nodded putting the horse back in its stall "I'm so excited! Mr. Barnum's circus is supposed to be amazing!" Kire said as she brought another horse out to groom.

The twins finished all their cleaning before supper hour and had gotten themselves cleaned up while Theia made dinner with the help of her sister who said she had no problems running the Inn while Theia was away with the girls, it had been a long time since Theia last went away and that was just before her husband died in a freak accident after the twins were born, Matilda knew this trip would mean a lot to her sister and she'd herself wanted her to go, not only would it be a fun family vacation but the girls would be able to learn so much.

The following morning Theia and the girls headed to the train station with Matilda in tow to wave them off seeing as they were able to pack last night rather than this morning allowing them to leave earlier than originally planned. Both girls were practically bouncing on the balls of their feet from excitement making their mother and aunt giggle at them, this would be their first trip out of the village let alone country and they could hardly contain themselves.

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