Twenty- Three

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TRIGGER WARNING : Mention of abuse ! If it does trigger you please skip the chapter. 


Liked by nouisisbae,selenaupdates,theweekndupdates,harryyyyystyles and 32k others

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Liked by nouisisbae,selenaupdates,theweekndupdates,harryyyyystyles and 32k others. 

tmz_tv Last Friday, Selena was reportedly seen leaving the weeknd's house crying. She arrived at 9pm with her new best friend Ariana Grande. But left 3 hours later with a ripped dress and a bruise on her face. Witnesses at the party say that they saw Abel and Selena get into a big fight. They then went up in a room to not make a scene. When they came back Selena was have dressed with bruises on her face and arms. Nothing has been publicly said. But this makes it seems as if Abel hit Selena.... What do you all think ? Comment down below. 

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username this asshole is gonna pay. If he touched her I will personally sue his ass ! #JailAbel 

username I knew this guy was no good for her. He's a drug addict and always up to no good. Harry is the one she needs. I really hope she's ok. 

username I heard that she's gonna make a statement soon about what happened. 

niallhoran thank you for this... more information will soon be delivered to you guys. 

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