Chapter 2 - The Worst Dating Site Ever

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James and Winn sat on the couch in Alex and Maggie's apartment, Alex on the loveseat. Everyone had a drink and made small talk. When Maggie came over with veggies and dip and chicken wings, people dove in and began to eat.

"Thanks, Mags," Winn said, smiling, barbecue sauce on his chin.

"Yeah, thank you both," James agreed. "We're not here for food and movies though."

"No, you're not," Alex agreed, picking at the label on her beer.

"This is Operation SuperCorp," Maggie said.

"Operation what?" Winn asked.

"We are not calling it that," Alex said sighing loudly.

"Why? It's a great name."

"It's a stupid name."

"I like it. People will like it. The guys, the guys will like it." Maggie turned smiling at James and Winn. "Guys, tell Alex you like it."

"I'm sorry, what are we talking about?" James asked.

Winn held up his hand. "Yeah, I'm confused too. Is this a DEO mission, and why is Maggie here? Why is Maggie naming it? Why don't I get to name it? I'm great at naming things. I named James. James, tell them I named you. Tell them I named Guardian."

"You didn't name me," James contested. "What's going on?"

"My sister is clueless. She's a nightmare when it comes to dating." Alex pointed at both men with her bottle.

"I'm with you so far," James said.

"We're going to help her."

"With a DEO mission that Maggie gets to name?" Winn asked.

"Oh, for fuck's sake Winn!" Alex snapped. "There is no DEO mission. We're going to hook Kara up with someone."

Nodding briskly, Winn shoved a chicken wing in his mouth.

"Okay." James nodded. "So, what's this SuperCorp thing about?"

Maggie grinned. "It's like a naming convention thing. Like, people have started to call us Sanvers, me and Alex. The S is for Sawyer and the rest if for Danvers. Why I just get one letter, and she gets the whole rest of the word I don't—"

"It's because you're small," Alex interrupted.

Maggie jumped to her feet. "I swear to God, Danvers, my lips to the Almighty's ear, I will beat your ass in front of company for this."

"Promise?" Alex's lips curved up into a smile.

Glancing back at the guys who watched with far too much interest, Maggie slowly sat and mumbled, "Later."

Clearing his throat, James said, "Okay, so Super is for Kara, for Supergirl. I get that. I don't get the Corp reference though. Who's that?"

Alex sighed. "I don't like the name, but it makes sense. That's for L-Corp." When James just stared, Alex added, "Lena Luthor the CEO of L-Corp."

After several moments of silence, James asked, "I'm sorry, did you just say you want to get Kara together with Lena Luthor?"

Alex nodded.

"You do know Lena Luthor is a Luthor, don't you?"

Spitting his chicken bones onto a plate, Winn said, "I guess you can't be pretty and smart, huh, James?"

Looking to his right, James pushed out suddenly knocking Winn to the floor. Straightening his tie, James smiled. "Like I was saying, you know you're talking about setting up a Super with a Luthor, right? On a scale of good to bad, that's a disastrous idea."

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