Chapter 20 - Occam's Razor

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Sitting in the back of the towncar with a Cadmus goon on either side, M'gann had her arms crossed, her legs crossed with one foot tapping, her back straight, her chin thrust out, and her best Lena Luthor Glare ™ in place. While another goon drove, Hank Henshaw rode shotgun.

They hit a bump, and she snapped, "Be careful! Kara's sensitive right now." Reaching her mind out to where J'onn was stowed in the trunk, she asked, "How are you doing back there?"

"They could have at least thrown down a blanket back here. Is he aiming for potholes?"

"I think he's just a bad driver, but it's possible. They're not fond of aliens."

"Well, then they should love you, Miss Luthor."

"Don't get sarcastic with me, J'onn. This wasn't my idea. We could have just flown away or at least beaten these guys up and taken them back to the DEO. You were the one who suggested we see where they took us." She sighed loudly, squirming a bit in her seat.

"To Lillian Luthor, I think. This bit of indignity will be..." As they hit another pothole, he grunted from the trunk. "Okay, this has to be on purpose. Our city's budget isn't that bad, is it?"

"I don't know. I fly everywhere." Clearing her throat, she leaned forward. "Are you aiming for the potholes? You're going to give us a flat tire. Watch where you're going."

"You know, Miss Luthor, none of this had to be necessary. Your mother was very upset with your life choices of late," Hank informed her.

"My mother was upset with my life," M'gann retorted. "Since the day I was born, I've been nothing but a disappointment to my mother. Why change a formula that's been such a success to date?"

"You have potential, Miss Luthor. You and your mother have had a difficult past, but she'd be willing to overlook all of that and welcome you back into the fold. You have an incredible mind. Join Cadmus, and you can save the world."

"From aliens?" M'gann smiled. "But I like them. You see, Mr. Henshaw, I find humans to be so..." She looked at the guards on her left and right. "...pedestrian. I'm more of a free flying spirit. I don't want to be tied down with anything as ordinary as what you have to offer here."

Leaning between the front seats, Hank glared at her. "You're making a huge mistake. Your mother is a patient woman, but even she will run out of patience with you eventually. What do you think will happen then?"

As she leaned closer to him in return, M'gann replied, "You're not bad looking, Mr. Henshaw. You know, for a human. You have a face I could get used to, I suppose."

"M'gann, be careful."

"Relax, J'onn, I'm just having some fun with him. You're just upset that you're stuck in the trunk while I get to play with your old pal Hank. You know, you could have been Lena. Hey, if they lock us up somewhere together and aren't watching us, want to switch?"

"M'gann, this isn't a game. This is serious work."

"Work can be fun too, you know."

"Not my work. My work is life and death."

Sighing again, she leaned back in her seat. "From now on I don't want to do your work things. From now on you get to visit me at work instead. The bar is much more fun than the DEO."

"Agreed. Now, play nicely with Henshaw until we can find out where Lillian Luthor is. Then I'll call for backup."

Plastering a smile on her face, M'gann leaned forward a bit. "All right, Mr. Henshaw, consider me intimidated. Tell me why my future would be better under Cadmus."

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