Chapter 3 - The Confidant

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Maggie stood in the elevator at Catco, rocking slightly back and forth on her heels as she listened to the lyrical pop music play. She checked the lighting buttons that were showing her ascent and smiled slightly to herself. Looking around the enclosed room, she checked the inspection date, nodding as it was up to date and very recent, then letting her gaze wander again. She did a double-take at the ceiling when she saw some oddly discolored tiles. She was staring up at the ceiling when her phone buzzed.

Danvers: "Are u there yet?"

Maggie: "Almost. I'm on my way up right now. Did Kara mention any elevator problems at Catco?"

Danvers: "No. Why, is something wrong with the elevator?"

Maggie: "I hope not. I'm in it."

Danvers: "???!!!"

Danvers: "Maggie, what's going on?"

Maggie: "Nothing. It's working fine. Don't worry."

Danvers: "I'm worried. Update me on ur situation stat!"

The elevator dinged, and Maggie stepped off with a grin.

Maggie: "Update u stat. Alex u romantic u."

Maggie: "Okay, I'm off the elevator and I'm here. I'll let u know when I've completed my mission. Agent Sawyer, out!"

Danvers: "Take the stairs down."

Maggie: "Fuck u! I'm on like the 37th floor."

Maggie: "I'm taking the elevator!"

Danvers: "Ask Kara for a lift."

Maggie considered that.

"Maggie, what are you doing here?" Kara asked as she approached.

Maggie: "Speak of the Kryptonian. I'll text u before I go."

Danvers: "Down the stairs."

Dropping her phone back into her pocket, Maggie smiled broadly. "Hey, Kara, you look great. How are you doing?"

"Um, great!" Kara replied with a broad smile before she stepped in closer and pushed up her glasses. "Is everything all right? I mean, do you" She lowered her voice and pointed to herself.

"Nah." Maggie waved casually and stepped past Kara as the blonde fell into step. "I'm here to see Lena. Her secretary, Eve, told me she was free right now and I ugh—" Maggie stopped suddenly when a strong hand gripped her arm.

"No." Kara shook her head briskly.

"No, she's not free?"

"Maggie, no."

"Uh, Little Danvers, you're kind of cutting off blood flow here. Do you think you could...?" Maggie pried at Kara's unyielding fingers but had to wait for the other woman to release her grip on her own. "Thanks. So, Lena is or isn't in right now?"

"Well, she is but—"

"And she is or isn't in a meeting?"

Kara looked to where Lena stood by Eve's desk, Lena showing the secretary something on a tablet. When Kara looked back, Maggie's gaze moved from where Lena was standing to meet Kara's. "Well, I mean she's working right now so—"

"But she's not in a meeting. Cool. I'm just going to—" Maggie took two steps and walked directly into Kara, the other woman with arms crossed. "That was really fast. Okay, what's your damage? Why am I persona non grata all of a sudden?"

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