Chapter 10 - Vittles and Veracity

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Kara and Lena walked into Catco three days after their visit to HR. For the last three days, things had remained relatively normal. They'd worked together and driven home in the same car. The only oddity was Lena keeping more normal business hours, though she was working from home before going into and coming home from work. However, the Catco personal weren't overly familiar with her comings and goings. So, when Lena started keeping to the hours of everyone else, perhaps it looked like she was just getting the hang of the new job. When she and Kara sat together and ate lunch in the office every day, no heads seemed to turn. On day three, things seemed to have changed.

The elevator opened, and Kara and Lena stepped out. Miss Teschmacher made haste across the office, black coffee in hand for Lena as was normal. It was the rest of the office that was odd. People were grouped up and chatting, but as soon as Eve's voice rang out with Lena's name, a smile on the secretary's face as she cut across the office, everyone else suddenly had someplace better to be. Lena cast her gaze across the scurrying masses, and even Kara frowned at the odd behavior.

"Here you are, Miss Luthor," Eve said as she handed Lena the coffee and fell into step alongside the CEO. "Mr. Drummond called to confirm your 10:30. That reporter from The Tribune called again trying to set up a job interview directly with you."

"Oh, that man is arrogant."

"I gave him the address for HR and told him to mail a resume there, then had his number blocked. I also sent his picture down to security."

"Eve, you're a gem," Lena said with a smile, sipping her coffee.

"Thank you, Miss Luthor," Eve replied beaming under the praise. "You have a teleconference call with the L-Corp board of directors at 2:00. We've reserved the meeting room for that. Can I do anything else for you right now?"

"That file I asked you for on Morgan Edge. Do you—?"

"On your desk, Miss Luthor."

"Eve." Lena smiled. "How would I run this place without you?"

"'ll never have to find out? Anything else?"

"That's it for now. I need to check emails. Thank you, Eve."

"You're welcome, Miss Luthor. Do you need anything, Miss Danvers? Can I get you a coffee?"

Kara smiled. "No, I'm fine, thanks, Eve. I'm just going to..." Her smile vanishing, Kara asked, "What did you just call me?"

"That's your name, Danvers, isn't it?"

"Well, yes, but you always just call me Kara."

"I know, but that was before..." Eve's gaze drifted from Kara to Lena then back again.

"Ah." Lena smirked knowingly. "Well, now we know what all the chatter is about today."

"What's going on?" Kara asked.

"Kara, join me in my office, please? Shut the door behind you?"

"I'll get it," Eve offered, closing the door as Kara and Lena entered.


The CEO nodded. "Our relationship has hit the rumor mill here at work. People are gossiping about us."

"Oh." Slumping into a chair, Kara adjusted her glasses. "They're talking about us?"

"Are you all right?"

"Uh...sure. I'm used to it."

"Kara, you can be upset about this. There's a difference between people talking about you with admiration for saving lives and your coworkers gossiping about you for sleeping with the boss."

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