Marshall's hidden secret

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December 16th,

It was a cloudy day in Adventure Bay and everyone was busy doing their own things.

At the lookout, Ryder was at his father's house for a few weeks to help him out while the pups enjoy themselves outside in the snow.

Chase, Zuma and Rocky were playing tag while Skye, Everest and Rubble were playing with the trampoline. Soon, the pups decided to go inside to get warmed up and they started talking to pass the time.

"I just love it when we play with the trampoline! Its so fun!" exclaimed Everest

"We all do, especially when we go way up high and you can see everything" replied Skye

"I like it when we all go" Rubble said

"Remember how Marshall tried on Skye's pup pack and saved that kitten, man did it look weird" said Rocky causing everyone to laugh.

Chase looked at the group and realized something "Hey, where is Marshall?"

Everyone stopped laughing and looked around. Marshall wasn't there.

"C'mon, lets find him" exclaimed Everest and they all started to look for their friend around the lookout.

Meanwhile, with the pups were playing, a certain dalmation was in his pup house in deep thought. " I wonder if anyone remembers my birthday that is in 2 weeks. Oh well, I never liked to celebrate my birthday anyway. I just hope no one figures it out. I didn't even tell Ryder. Maybe I'll tell him when he gets back. Ever since 'that' incident happened a while back 'shudders'. C'mon Marshall, you have to forget about it and be the happy pup everyone knows so they won't have to worry. But how? I'm a terrible liar. Oh, I know! I could act like chase when he is being serious about stuff especially when he acts around Skye. I mean its very obvious like when I act around Everest. 'Sign' I wonder what the other pups are up to. I guess they didn't notice I was gone. I mean who would want a clumsy screw up near them to ruin their fun anyway. I'll go get a snack and comeback here and take a nap to calm my thoughts."

Marshall opened his pup house and walked in the lookout with his head down. He walked to the bag of pup treats and ate some. By then, all the pups were heading his way.

"Marshall!" all the pups shouted and ran to him.

Marshall quickly ran to the side as the pups crashed into each other forming a pup pile. All the pups including Marshall giggled. One by one, the pups unscramble theirselves and stood around Marshall.

"You ok dude, we couldn't find you anywhewe" Zuma asked

"I'm fine, just came for a snack and now I'm heading back to my pup house for a nap, See ya" Marshall said and walked away.

None of the pups were convinced one bit so they followed Marshall to his pup house and tried to convince him to come and play with them.

"Don't you want to play freeze tag with us?"

"No thanks"

"Or go skateboarding around town?"

"I'm too clumsy, I'll trip and hurt myself"

"What and snowboarding on Jake's mountain?"

"Same with skatebording"

"How about we play on the trampoline?"

"Look pups, I know that you want me to play but I'm really tired so please, let me get my sleep. I'm sorry I let you all down"

"But Marshall-"

It was to late, Marshall had already closed his pup house and locked it. The pups grew worried for Marshall but there was one husky who was extremely worried for the dalmation. They all walked away and into the lookout for a plan.

"Okay so we know why we're here right" Chase stated

"Yeah something is really wrong with Marshall. He never misses out on fun activities even if he's tired. We need to find out what's gotten him so depressed" Everest explained

The pups gave her 'you are so obvious' look making her blush. Chase cleared his thoart "What Everest said, any ideas"

"I have one"

The pups jumped a little in surprise and turned to see their fearless and kind-hearted leader and owner behind them.

"Ryder!" the pups cried and tackled Ryder in licked and nuzzles.

Ryder laughed "Good to see you to pups"

"But I thought you were at your dad's house for a few more days Ryder sir?" Chase asked

"I decided to come home early because I missed you all to much, besides Marshall needs our attention now more then ever" Ryder said in a serious manner making the pups even more confused. Ryder and the pups,except Marshall, went up in the elevator. Once they were at the top, Ryder sat on a bean bag as the pups gathered around him. He took a piece of paper.
"Ryder sir what's that?"

"This is Marshall's records, it will atleast give us a clue on what's up with Marshall" Ryder petted Skye and began to read

Marshall Valcony

Gender: Male

Type: Dalmation

Birthday: December 25, 2010

Life Story: Suffered from seeing his mother die on his birthday, his father leaving him alone also on his birthday, having no friends and being abandoned. He was then bullied by every pup that saw him but always had a smile on his face. One day he was adopted by a young boy named Ryder Wafer and his german shepherd named Chase.

When Ryder finished, there was no dry eye in any of the pups nor Ryder's eyes. They felt horrible for Marshall but were also surprised.

'How can a pup that has gone through torture all through his life but still has a smile on his face and be so happy and full of life' went through everyones minds but they were brought out of thought when they heard someone coming up the elevator and panicked. They quickly wiped their tears and Ryder hid Marshall's records in his pocket.

Paw Patrol: Marshall's Surprised Birthday Week (MarshallxEverest Story)Where stories live. Discover now